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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. The one in Delaware doesn't allow it. I also have Verizon. I remember seeing a post on here with a video of a guy robbing one with a gun and I believe someone said that that one has the do not carry in here sign also. The point I'm trying to make is that restricting where guns can and can't go only affects law abiding citizens who follow those laws. Not the criminals who know they can rob that place and chances are they will have the only gun in there.

    I know what your saying, I'm just messing with you. I totally agree. Placing restrictions only restricts the law abiding citizen, not the bad guy intent on killing someone. Look where all the shoot outs/massacres take place; Columbine, Ft. Hood, that immigration center...none "allowed" guns. The restaurant carry bill need to become law soon.

    I do remember the vid you are referring to, I didn't know that one was posted. Glad the one I go to isn't, well last time I was there it wasn't.

  2. That is a very big deal. If we keep taking our planets resources and burning the ozone layer with pollution, we may need to live on mars someday.
    You too can be the proud owner of a property on Mars! The next novel gift that's a must for your shopping list!

    Welcome to the Mars Shop !

    The MarsShop is a part of the Lunar Embassy Computer Center.

    The MarsShop webserver is soley dedicated to the sale of extraterrestrial properties on the planet Mars.


  3. Hope this isn't a repost, happened in 2009.


    Another report indicates that poor quality building work has been an ongoing concern in China for years. A six story apartment block in Hubei province also collapsed in 2009 due to poor construction techniques. And, again in 2009, a construction pit at a building site in Nanjing collapsed, causing series structural damage to nearby buildings.

    Full story here.

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