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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. My old unit get back in a few weeks and they said they were lucky to go out once a month when they were on qrf. Good luck though

    I was there in '05. Recovery section/M88 specialist. I was out practically every day or every other day. I have heard Iraq is slowing down and Afghanistan is picking up.

  2. Get rid of the "annoying a mod/admin" infraction, too subjective and could be abused if there was a personal beef with someone (additionally, Casper you asked for us to help moderate, so someone could argue by making 'annoying the mods' a rule you are making yourself unapproachable)

    Don't moderate R&R, move something, split something etc fine, but if you don't want people commenting in the public don't even have R&R. Too much of a temptation to have the forum section but not apply equal rules to when something is over the line or "closed"

    How about you make the R&R a members only, usergroup opt-in section? That way people can choose to ignore the whole forum.

    And is it possible to make the R&R section to where to have to be a member for say a month? Keeps people from registering only to see the R&R or NWS. I think it is already locked to members only at this point.

  3. you left out finance.
    If you can edit your poll, your may want to throw in a Marketing/ Advertising/ Arts category as well. :)
    Forgot engineering on there too
    I don't see anything that fits my field either... Fire & Life Safety / Security / Communications.

    I guess if I had to pick from the fields listed' date=' closest would be IT.[/quote']

    nothing for Agriculture
    No engineering field?
    Where's the choice for education?

    Yeah this poll isn't well rounded enough to give a fair balance between IT and everything else.

  4. That's the thing; busting balls isn't a personal attack and is half the fun. Busting balls means " hey nice Hardly you chap wearing queer." I find nothing wrong with that or similiar, or even a lot worse than that.

    Personally in regards to you specifically, most of the time I find your posts pretty amusing and you rarely attack someone on a level that would be considered degradation.

    Keep in mind my statements are not directed to anyone specifically, but overall as a group.

    I think we all just need to take step back and read what you have written before you hit submit.

    Not everyone is thick skinned. Not everyone is tough. Not everyone has the ability or even the words to stand up for themselves. Not everyone can shake off a stupid forum comment. There are plenty of ways to bust balls, argue, and be a fun dick without being a stupid jackass that brings nothing to OR but stress.

    This is not just the Intranets, we are not just meaningless avatars, not just a screen name with no face or real person behind it.


    I guess if you wouldn't say it to someones face, don't post it here. Simple as that.

    Art, you are on top of it man.

  5. I second Aerik's comment about the line. Most people know that line and have the respect not to cross it. All this bitching is going could lead to Ben cracking down on the moderation. I'm sure everyone here wants that.

    Leave well enough alone. He is gone and so many are shitting on his memory. I didn't know the kid but it seems like he was really loved. I don't care if the biggest asshole on this site passes away, I'm gonna have the decency to say something nice, or if I can't I'll shut the hell up.

    If someone has a problem with moderation on this site, PM Casper or a mod directly or start a thread but keep it civil. You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.

  6. Information Technology

    Pfew, I'm glad I got a degree in anything else


    lol, I still know people who are the COBAL experts at work... yah, that's going to last a LONG time

    I had to google it. but found it with an "o" not an "a". Same thing?

    COBOL (pronounced /ˈkoʊbɒl/) is one of the oldest programming languages. Its name is an acronym for COmmon Business-Oriented Language, defining its primary domain in business, finance, and administrative systems for companies and governments.
  7. I agree with Casper "stop shitting in the sandbox". Cats do that, and its gross.

    I feel it's a little messed up that we have lost a friend and now its turned into an online argument about the way the forums run. If you don't like the way the "sandbox" is operated pick up your bucket and shovel and leave.

    Sorry to the family and friends (rip).

    This is why I haven't been vocal in this discussion, I think it's kind of dicked up.

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