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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38151061/ns/business-us_business/

    SHANGHAI — Factory workers demanding better wages and working conditions are hastening the eventual end of an era of cheap costs that helped make southern coastal China the world's factory floor.

    A series of strikes over the past two months have been a rude wakeup call for the many foreign companies that depend on China's low costs to compete overseas, from makers of Christmas trees to manufacturers of gadgets like the iPad.

    Some manufacturers are coming back to the states for cost saving reasons now.

  2. Some people shouldn't have firearms. Remember alcohol and firearms don't mix.


    Witnesses told police Harvey was showing them his handgun and explaining how the safety worked, according to the release.

    He pulled the trigger several times without the gun firing.

    He then put the weapon to his head and pulled the trigger.

    The gun discharged, according to the release.

  3. Me either.... That's why I'd bail out the Engineer's door! Screw that "goin' down with the ship" crap :lol:

    :lol: No one does that anymore. That was back in the good old days.

    Jumping at 35mph doesn't hurt nearly as bad as one would think :D

    Tuck and roll.

    You could wear your MC gear. That would be a funny sight. :lol:

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