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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. I wrote to Rep. Sutton, Sen. Voinovich, Sen. Brown, and Gov. Strickland... basically voicing my disapproval and why.

    Then I asked for their stance, why, and what they were doing to promote their stance. We'll see if/what I get back.

    Good for you. Can't wait to see if you get responses back.

  2. Welcome Home Mission

    LCpl Nicholas "Nick" Wilson


    Returning from OEF

    Staging Location:

    Gold Star Chili

    1286 Main Street

    Hamilton, Ohio

    05 June 2010@1500hrs-(3 PM )

    LCpl Wilson's mother has invited the Patriot Guard Riders to take part in welcoming home her son /Marine. Our presents will be a surprise to Nick when we come riding in. Please try and make this mission. It means so much to not only the person we are there for but to us as well.

    There will be food and refreshments provided by the family as well as a DJ and different games such as cornhole and volleyball. This sounds like a GREAT PARTY !!!!

    District # 7 Ride Captain Mike Hamilton is assigned this Welcome Home mission. Please follow his instructions .

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard Riders

  3. Sirens here have been going off like crazy. I think a transformer blew up the street. A lound boom, then everyone was leaving. That side of the road doesn't have any power now.

    I love having a scanner.

  4. It says here the guy lost control at high speed and barrel rolled it into a ditch... :nono:

    On another note, $10k would be a bargain for that hulk if the LS9 is still mostly intact. Summit has LS9 crate engines for $23k. Buy it, pull the engine, and anything else that'll clean up is bonus! Saved yourself 13 grand.

    Cool site.

  5. They played a tape of a guy that did that in our class to demonstrate that point. Except the "robber" was a drunk guy who thought he was breaking into his own house -- as soon as he busted through the door (old man yelling the entire time that he had a gun and would use it to protect his family) -- got a close range 12 gauge to center mass and killed the guy.


    I take it he wasn't charged with murder?

  6. In my CCW class they told us that if ever put in a situation were you have to use your gun, make sure that when you call 911, you say that you feared for your life, before you killed the guy!

    That's one thing I have heard a lot. Call 911 and have them on the phone with you during the ordeal. Repeat "I have a gun. Leave or I will be forced to shoot because I am in fear for my life." It gets it all on tape and backs your story.

    If you can't call them until after, keep repeating you were in fear for your life over and over.

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