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Posts posted by chevysoldier


    I hate when caps lock is on and you use the shift button to (un)capitalize stuff :lol:

    its a torrent site for sharing files. DL movies, pics, audio, apps, w/e

  2. i'd say its worth about $15 tops based off of the condition and the going price for similar years on ebay. sorry to burst your bubble if you were hoping for a pot of gold.

    No, wasn't looking for a pot of gold. I have a boxes and boxes of old and collectible stuff. I just really need to go through them all. I don't buy/ find this stuff to make a million bucks, I like the history and stories behind the. I figured I'd start here.

  3. Yep, Head gaskets (just did one in an S10, doing one right now in a Blazer) ball joints, pitman and idler arms, fuel pump, encoder motor (just did one on another blazer as well as the shift control module) can't think of anything else right now. PM Jporter12, he knows those trucks and the 4.3L like the back of his hand.

    I had a 95 S10 4WD stick shift, 95 4WD Blazer and 98 4WD Blazer. Love them, great little trucks, but like anything else they have their issues.

  4. I lived in Imperial which is very close to the Pittsburgh airport. Don't listen to all the haters. Pittsburgh is a great city with an awesome nightlife and LOTS more sunshine than we have here. When looking at where to live just make sure that you live on the same side of the tunnels as where ever it is that you work. Commuting from one of the city to the other by way of the parkway can be a real deal breaker...

    The nightlife is something else from what I hear. My sister is always out on the town at night, she ends up going to bed about 5 every morning. I'll still pass living there, too congested for my taste.

  5. I think it helped have an experienced shooter with me for my first time. Came in handy when the gun jammed. The rules were common sense, but had to be said. I'll report back what the gun shop says about 2 jams in 28 rounds.

    The Weatherby is not mine. After the fact, it turns out it is considered a "sniper" rifle and is kinda pricey. The factory trigger has been upgraded to a "hair" trigger. It seems that as soon as your fingerprint touches the trigger, it shoots. Next time I shoot, I will have to practice the breathing while shooting. Honestly, I was holding my breathe as I was shooting the Weatherby. And too, my friend had the rifle sighted-in very well. So it was easy to be acccurate.BTW, my shoulder is sore.

    Yeah the rules are simple but you'd surprised (or not) how many people will point a loaded gun at someone and not even realize it. :beating:

    He may have told you, but when you are going to shoot, breath normally then when you exhale, you have a natural pause before you inhale, squeeze then. Enough range time you'll be hitting a dime at 300 yards. :D

  6. I have a Westell 327W DSL wireless Router, I got it with Version DSL awhile ago. Don't know if it will work for other providers, let me know if you are interested.

    This isn't it, just a pic for you.http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=380206242838&rvr_id=&crlp=1_263602_263622&UA=WXS%3F&GUID=f323f2521260a0e202010751ff16b31e&itemid=380206242838&ff4=263602_263622

    I don't know which router is better than another, sorry.

  7. i think this shows a whole bunch of bogus of some of the stupidest ways to die. there may be some things that really do happen but some are real over rated. i saw one with a whole bunch of chicks washing a van and some how they all got electricuted because they were touching the van. im not 100 % sure but if the van has rubber wheels wouldnt it not make a full circuit to the ground? there for not making the voltage to go all the way thru them to the ground..

    Well its like saying if you are in your car while it gets struck by lightning you are okay because in it on rubber tires. Thats false, you are okay because the electricity moves around you through the metal of the car, path of least resistance is not through you and your seat. And plus they were washing the car the electricity probably went through the water as well, chances are they were wet right?

  8. I doubt 100% of FC residents approve of this. I wonder how much of the $20M was tax dollars.

    And no, I didn't leave it out, it wasn't pertinent to the fact that some tax money went to this.

    Edit: This is the best I can find, old data from 2008... http://www.franklincountyauditor.com/pdf/financial-reports/2008CAFR.pdf

    pg 169


    Property Taxes on a $100,000

    Owner-Occupied Home or a Business

    City of Columbus / Columbus School District

    December 31, 2008

    Table 8

    Real estate taxes help finance your school district, your city, village or township, your public library, your parks and zoo, and various County services.

    In the example below, if your home or business has an appraised value of $100,000 located in the City of Columbus and the Columbus City School

    District for tax year 2008, this is how the taxes will be distributed in calendar year 2009.

    Zoological Park: $19.50/homeowner $24.48/business owner

    Source: Franklin County Auditor's Office.

    I would've copied the entire page, but the formatting sucked on the forum, so go to the link for a complete breakdown of what FC spends your $1800 worth of property taxes on for your $100k home.

    Why are you really complaining? You don't live in FC and pay for that levy right? It really doesn't matter if 100% of the people didn't vote FOR the levy, it passed with a majority vote. Currently that's how our system works right?

    And since you seem to be disagreeing with tax money to go to a non-profit organization that supports conservation and a family oriented atmosphere for learning, you don't patronize this zoo or any other right?

    I fail to see why you would bring up anything political in a thread about polar bears?

  9. I don't know how any Franklin County Republicans can support this considering their tax dollars were used for it.

    It's a levy and they voted it in? Notice this isn't in the politics section?

    AND you left out this part that doesn't fit in to your agenda?

    In addition to donor and corporate contributions...
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