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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. He was only scared because he got caught, and even at that its only part of the equation.

    Fucking up something of his allows him to feel the sense of loss and anger that his victims felt.

    Press charges? Seriously, a slap on the wrist and released to the parents with a "strong" admonition from a JC judge "not to get in trouble again" is about all they'll get.

    That may be true, but me breaking his stuff doesn't make me any better than him. If he gets angry at his stuff getting broken, he might retaliate to get even, but be more careful not to get caught. Anyway you go with it, it's up to the kid how he handles it in the end.

  2. I'd have told the father that I wanted something that the kid had paid for. Preferably something he uses all the time. Then I'd have done at least $200.00 damage to it. At that point, you're even.

    Nah, he looked scared shitless. I ever catch those boys doing something like this again, I'll be pressing charges to the fullest extent of the law.

  3. Wow! I think that if the parents would knock the kids arms off like they did to your dish, they wouldn't be having an issue.

    My wife showed the one guy the dish. When he saw it his eyes got huge. He said until further notice, his kid is under house arrest. I hope dad follows through. He seemed sincere.

  4. UPDATE:

    Well, they came out and fixed it today. Sweet. Then an hour later it went out again. Damn. This time the arm was knocked completely off. I was on my home from work. My wife found the kids responsible and our neighbor followed them and found out where they lived. Police called and we filed a report. Talked with the parents with police present and made a deal, they cover the cost of having our dish fixed, $95 since they just fixed it, or we file charges. Both parents (2 different kids) opted against the charges. Well we have the $95 cash in hand. The kids looked pretty scared and I hope they learned their lesson.

    As I type this, I am on hold to get the dish fixed again. Alls well that ends well I guess.

  5. I have one of these, it's really fricken bright considering the size. I need to pick up some rechargeable batteries for it though.



    C4® LED, shock-proof with a 50,000 hr lifetime, is 3X brighter than a super high-flux LED

    Up to 30,000 candela (peak beam intensity); 135 lumens measured system output.

    Deep-dish parabolic reflector produces a long range targeting beam with optimum peripheral illumination to aid in navigation. Optimized electronics provide regulated intensity.

    Runtime: up to 3.5 hours to the 10% output level

    Anodized Machined Aluminum

    Limited Lifetime Warranty

    Two 3V CR123A lithium batteries (included)

    IPX7 Rated design; all openings o-ring sealed to resist moisture

    Fits Streamlight 69100 Rail Mount; Operates with remote switches.

    LED Solid State circuitry provides regulated light output throughout battery life.

    6.62"; 7.1 oz

    Available in box (Holster included), or blister pack

  6. Does ROTC count as current military? lol :dunno: I do find out if I get picked up for a pilot slot in like 2 and a half weeks though :D pretty pumped for that.

    I guess ROTC counts lol. Hope you get the slot !

  7. Figures you were good growing up and end up being the one who they vandalize. That sucks man... sorry for your loss.

    I always did stuff on my property. Blowing holes in the ground and stuff. lol. Was taught early on to respect peoples stuff. It's probably the same kids that like to shoot fireworks at cars driving down the street. All I know is when it gets fixed and if it ever goes out again, I'm hauling ass outside to see whats going on.

    Oh and btw, it's getting fixed for free since we are still in the warranty time period. Still upsets me however.

  8. Effen kids, man that sucks so bad to hear man. Especially after a hards day work and all you want to do is sit down and relax to just find out that some kid with a problem screws you over. I never did stuff like this when I was a kid, did anyone else on here do crap like this?? He may just take his frustration out on you instead LMAO

    No, I never destroyed anyone else's property.

  9. psh who has tv these days.

    i just watch everything off the internet from my computer to my big screen.

    you old guys lolz

    I didn't know 25 was old. Damn where has the time gone.

    Do you get current broadcasts on your computer? I uses stuff like hulu from time to time if I'm in the mood to watch a certain show. Haven't found anything free that broadcasts real time, and I'm not comfortable buying something that may be a rip off.

  10. Yeah, I've been driving a lot more than I probably should lately, but not now with all the snow and ice out there. I've still been real careful with the brakes and accelerating too quickly. I've gotten used to using the rear brake easily with just a little front as needed for most stops to keep the chassis as balanced as possible. Still, too much snow and crap still out there right now.

    Ya'll are crazy.:eek:

  11. We can't afford that, my wife spent all of our money at the grocery store.

    Christmas Giftcards. ;) Went to Longhorn Steakhouse.

    Cable. ;)

    We got dish and DSL for like 5 bucks more than we were paying for cable internet. (Had rabbit ears on the TV too)

    Are you sure it was vandals or did some snow/ice slide off the roof and hit it on the way down? It happens allot.
    I was going to say the same thing... everyone's so quick to grab the torches and pitchforks.

    Considering the arm was bent way off to the side at an upward angle, I would say it was probably vandals. Now had it been bent at a downward angle, I would have said It could have been snow falling off a tree or roof. I am also not talking bent a few inches to the side. I'm talking bent nearly as far as it would go so it was parallel with the dish. Was definitely a person, or maybe bigfoot, that did it.

  12. The dish is usually the same, it's the LNB on the end of that arm that's usually different. I do have one, you can see if it will work. I might snap a pic of it in a bit and send it to you to look at.

    Okay, if you do, I'll see it after I get back. We are gonna go out to eat.

  13. I do have one, I'll bring it into the shop tomorrow, or you can stop by and pick it up. The parts might be what you need. It's worth looking at.

    It's the bracket that holds the arm to the dish. And now it's all out of adjustment too. Mine is Dish Network, don't know if thats different equipment than Direct TV, which I assume is what you have.

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