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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. No, you're absolutely right, you can bash whatever whenever... but, I'll pull out my Republican playbook and call you unpatriotic for doing so... that's what it was for the last 8 years when the 'liberals' bashed Bushie, right?

    I dont' blame you guys for your cynicism or apathy, I can understand after 8 years of swallowing the turds Bush was feeding you, you got used to the taste and are upset now that your diet has changed.

    Oh, so you didn't Bash Bush at all. :rolleyes:

  2. Everything he's said so far has been mocked, or said in cynicism and sarcasm.

    I just thought I'd join in too. None of you guys in this thread actually care what he has to say other than to disagree or be apathetic about it.

    Because he really hasn't said much, or anything that makes any sense. Talking about being win-win and left/right not fighting? Go check and see which side trys to filibuster more? Why won't they have the same healthcare if it's so good for the rest of the country? Do you know anything about gays in the military? Do you know anything about the repercussions of pulling out of a war prematurely? By giving a deadline to the whole world? He say's we'll decrease our deficiet by one trillion in 20 years, and has added how much, or wants to add how how much?

  3. did he say bipartisan!? i thing he stuttered when he said that word... i didnt know it was in his dictonary

    What's a dictionary, I thought those were being taken out of school cuz of words like "sex" and "bitch"

    When did this habit start? These folks jump up and down like retards.... it was the same thing with Bush and Clinton...

    Not everything needs a standing ovation


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