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Everything posted by chevysoldier

  1. Aww shit. Hell is freezing over, I agree with this...
  2. One piece at a time until its all gone and no one realized it. http://artfularticulations.blogspot.com/2009/06/brief-history-of-gun-control-uk-edition.html?m=1
  3. Yes. There is always someone bigger, faster and stronger than you. My 87 year old grandma sleeps with a pistol under her pillow. She knows that's her best chance to survive should anyone break into her home. She understands with a gun is a tool capable of killing but equally capable of saving a life. Firearms are why we aren't British subjects, or speaking Japanese or German. Firearms are how our ancestors found food in the wilderness. Yes, firearms have killed many, many people over time. But they have also saved people. You cannot uninvent the gun. The AWB ban didn't work. No gun signs don't keep 7/11 to be robbed at gun point. Outlawing them hasn't caused Chicago to be the safest place to live. Gun registration hasn't stopped felons from obtaining and killing with them. What has happened is the grandma in town for horse races shot and killed an armed intruder. The Johnstown homeowner woke up to a gun in his face and it saved his life. It stopped a Waffle House robbery without a shot ever being fired. They saved Midget Todd's and his gf's life. Guns are what put the good guy and bad guy on equal grounds and the good guy was able to prevail.
  4. It has everything to do with odds. If someone wishes to harm my family, why would I want to chance "throwing elbows" against someone that could be hopped up on Meth? Not to mention how would "throwing elbows" compare to someone with a gun that wishes to harm me? This isn't the matrix sorry to say. What if there are multiple assailants? How long would you last against 3 dudes fresh out if prison that want to beat the shit out if you? Tell me how long your elbows work for you...
  5. We should outlaw bows and arrows. They were made to kill...food. and rocks. Outlaw them too. Oldest weapon known to man. People get stoned to death still. That's their only purpose any why they are made, to kill.
  6. For fucks sake. Its not the gun that kills anymore than its the spoon that makes you fat. I carry a gun everyday and its never killed anyone. My gun has one purpose; to defend. Its the bad guys choice if I fire. You people and your twisted views. Do you have any idea how many concealed guns you pass and never know it? You cannot uninvent the gun. You can make all the laws you want but criminals will find a way just as people still drink and drive. I keep a fire extinguisher in case of fires. I could beat you over the head and kill you but that is not my intent therefore it is not the object at fault but the person. The key is knowledge, training and safety. The gun is the great equalizer. Granny and the gang Banger just out of prison. I suppose we should take away grandmas right to defend herself and allow the felon who will always find a way.
  7. I use my high beams during the day. Turn them low when I think its more of a distraction to oncoming cars.
  8. Lol. What magz said. More often than not, katanas tend to come out of that area either damaged or on a trailer. Lol
  9. Others. http://m.yahoo.com/w/legobpengine/news/three-hidden-android-easter-eggs-163800198.html?orig_host_hdr=news.yahoo.com&.intl=US&.lang=en-US
  10. Do you have android version under anywhere? Works on my X2.
  11. 1. Go into phone settings 2. Select "about phone" 3. Quickly tap "android version" 4-5 times 4. Enjoy
  12. Welcome. Don't ride through Coshocton on that bike.
  13. I have a one for car. Think its 10, maybe 12. Nothing top end but its box sub and amp. Pm me if you want
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