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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. If it were my loved ones, they better use techniques that actually yield good instead of suspect information.

    That's what I am getting at. What are the techniques you would use. Everybody likes to say torture is horrible yet few people can come up with something better. At least when we torture someone, it is to get information. Not like some of the countries that do it for the fun of doing it. When was the last time we dragged a dead Somolian body around cheering?

  2. Didn't it make noise anyway, or was that the brake lever pressing on the master cylinder piston? (Short memory, and not my ride home to care about.)

    Thats the brake lever you're thinking about. It presses on the cylinder at a slight angle and makes a lil noise/binds slightly. A little lube usually smoothes it out.

  3. Seriously? Torture IS NOT EFFECTIVE. All you get is people telling you what you want to hear, not necessarily anything truthful.

    Lets see, torture was used at the Salem witch trials. That was effective at getting people to admit they were witches - not only was that not true, but what purpose did it serve?

    There are other examples to show the ineffectiveness - but the Witch trials was an easy one off the top of my head. I'm sure wiki has others.


    Article on the effectiveness of torture


    Directly from the National Defense Intelligence College "Educing

    Information, Interrogation: Science and Art Foundations for the Future". 375 pages on this stuff...


    From pg 25:

    Also, p66-69:

    :thread revival:

    New article on torture and it's ineffectiveness...


    What do you think should be used instead of torture? What would you do if it it was you family or loved ones that were in danger?

  4. Ok, so my daughter has been sick with the flu so our babysitter is watching her this week for fear her grandmother could get sick . My mom is watching her this week so I have had to take the truck to work:( so I can drop her off. Today is the only day out of the week I was gonna be able to ride. I packed up my laptop, hooked the bag on the bike. Donned my jacket, helmet and gloves. Started up the bike.:) Shifted into first and started out of the parking lot. I then pulled the clutch in and heard a "pop" noise.:mad: Realized my clutch cable said :bigfinger:. So I turned it off and pushed it back onto the parking lot. Took off my gear and got the truck. Needless to say I was a little pissed.

    Called IP, they had a cable in stock. $18.89. Called my dad to pick it up on his way home from work. Got the cable. Installed the cable in the parking lot tonight, before it started to rain. Took it out on a test ride and realized that my cable had been stiff before. This is like shifting air. WOW! I guess it wasn't that bad of a day.:D


    October 27, 2009

    DoD Identifies Marine Casualties

    The Department of Defense announced today the death of four Marines who were supporting Operation Enduring Freedom.

    The following Marines died Oct. 26 while supporting combat operations in Helmand province, Afghanistan.

    Cpl. Gregory M.W. Fleury, 23, of Anchorage, Alaska.

    Capt. Eric A. Jones, 29, of Westchester, N.Y.

    Capt. David S. Mitchell, 30, of Loveland, Ohio.

    Capt. Kyle R. Van De Giesen, 29, of North Attleboro, Mass.

    Fleury, Jones and Van De Giesen were assigned toMarine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 169, Marine Aircraft Group 39, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, I Marine Expeditionary Force, based out of Camp Pendleton, Calif.

    Mitchell was assigned to Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 367, Marine Aircraft Group 39, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing, I Marine Expeditionary Force, based out of Camp Pendleton, Calif.

    For additional background information on these Marines, news media representatives may contact the 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing Public Affairs Office at (858) 577-6000.


  6. Confirmed Mission

    PFC Lloyd Lee Hall, 83

    Dayton, Ohio

    US Army WWII Veteran


    Baker-Hazel- Snider Funeral Home & Crematory

    5555 Philadelphia Drive

    Dayton, Ohio 45415

    28 October 2009@1600hrs-1900hrs-(4:00PM-7:00PM)


    Baker-Hazel- Snider Funeral Home & Crematory

    28 October 2009@1500hrs-(3:00PM)


    Baker-Hazel- Snider Funeral Home & Crematory

    29 October 2009@1100hrs-(11:00AM)


    Baker-Hazel- Snider Funeral Home & Crematory

    29 October 2009@1000hrs-(10:00AM)


    Riverside Cemetery

    Following the Services

    District #7 Ride Captain Mike Hamilton is assigned this mission of Honor and Respect. Please follow his instructions. Remember to bring your 3x5 American Flags and dress per the weather conditions. If it is inclement weather and you ride your bike please be careful. If the weather is bad just come in your car.

    Remember just because the weather is changing we still carry on our missions. Our troops do not get time off due to inclement weather and neither do we.

    Bob Woods

    Ohio State Captain

    Patriot Guard Riders

  7. From my understanding, your insurance will handle everything for you. Since being hit falls under Collision, including your deductible. But I NEVER deal with claims so I could be as bit off here.

    For accidents where you are not at fault your insurance will typically subrogate the deductible from the insured.

    Anyway, not a lawyer, or insurance agent for this or any state. Opinion is my own and doesn't represent the company I work for.

    Nice disclaimer covering your ass. :D

  8. *sigh* I've been meaning to do this again for a while.... last time I gave blood, the lady missed my vein several times and ended up giving me nerve damage in my arm....

    I've never given blood. Lately I've been wanting to for the first time. I don't even know my blood type.

    :plus1: except the wanting to. I'm not sure since the last time I had more than one vial of blood drawn, I nearly passed out. I'm just not sure it's a way I'm supposed to help out. :dunno: I might get brave and try sometime anyway....

    Well now is your chance. :D

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