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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. I don't know if I'm for this, but I've heard people propose the idea (although I think its illegal right now because it would be considered a poll tax) but charging people a tax to vote. I hate taxes just as much as the next guy. But if you paid 20, 50 bucks to vote, think how much money that would raise for the government, prevent voter fraud, and maybe cause people to put more intelligence into their vote instead of going "ehhrr I saw a commmercial for this dude, yeah!! hope, change!!!" (not saying all people voted for obama because of his slogan, but it did test well in the focus groups :) ) I'm not saying I'm for this particular idea, but it is compelling.

    I don't know about that. I think too many people will say "I'm hurting for money right now, and I am only ONE vote, how much say will I actually have. I'll just keep my $20/$50 and put food on my table" "I'm not gooing to vote now, it's my right to be able to vote - for free. Just another way the gov't is scamming the people." Or something to that effect. I think it would go in the opposite direction you hope for. .02

  2. if i feel like im starting to get a cold or feel like shit i stop into the chiropractor and let him beat me up for a few min. and by the next morning i feel back to normal. :D it just works for me. :dunno:

    I just might start doing that. Oh and I wanna try accupuncture too-no flaming needles right off the bat though.

  3. It's funny, I consider myself liberal with conservative tendencies. But more than anything else, I don't give a shit about a fair amount of things.

    But I think we could do better without state governments and/or federal governments. 90%+ of our "representative" body is old white dudes... that's not the way the US is. If 25% of people are homeless, there should be some homeless people in the government... extreme but true.

    w/e go ahead and flame me :)

    I understand your reasoning, very extreme but a good point. I don;t feel like getting in to why it won't, because I don't like where it could end up going.

  4. This may be true, but seeing as we don't have a cure for AIDS yet, there is a good possiblity something could come that we have no cure for and wipe out most the population. I also believe this could happen because we have all thos "kill 99.99% of germs" hand wash, people take pills for eveything. I think we are doing more harm this way than letting our bodies build up the immune system. Don't take this to the extreme though and say I am saying if you're in a hospital dying from somthing we could cure with medicine, not to, go for it and cure it.
    :lol: i have always believed the more stuff you take to help you immune system the more your body depends on that stuff instead of taking care of it like its supposed to. :dunno:


  5. i swear to god. ask my close friends on here. i dont take meds or anything like that and i have to be pretty much suffering to even take a tylenol. i have never liked pumping stuff into my body that isnt supposed to be there (except beer;)) and i pretty much never get sick


    I need to get back to doing that, I used to be that way.

  6. About 70,000 years ago, the human population of the Earth was reduced to about 15,000 people. Attributed to the Toba super volcano in Indonesia erupting and changing world climate for a bunch of years. Yeah, it can happen.

    I'm not saying it can't or won't, but this is why people are freaking out. No body wants to die, and most people are afraid to die.

  7. medicine has changed quite a bit in 91 years... peoples' fears are unrealistic and largey unrealistic.

    This may be true, but seeing as we don't have a cure for AIDS yet, there is a good possiblity something could come that we have no cure for and wipe out most the population. I also believe this could happen because we have all thos "kill 99.99% of germs" hand wash, people take pills for eveything. I think we are doing more harm this way than letting our bodies build up the immune system. Don't take this to the extreme though and say I am saying if you're in a hospital dying from somthing we could cure with medicine, not to, go for it and cure it.

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