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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. No, that absolutely was not me. Probably the same people that gave me positive rep for busting on your grammar skillz. I don't know, but I do know you shouldn't publically accuse people of stuff you have no evidence of. That's a pretty lame character flaw.

    Then I stand corrected and apologize for accusing you. But for you to accuse me of bad grammar then for you to use a word that doesn't exist or not to capitalize "I" is not any better. Hipocrisy, and then not admitting to it, pretty lame too.

  2. Once again (like i told RedRidingHood), if I'd have neg repped you... you'd probably be in the red. So, take your baseless accusations elsewhere.

    What baseless accusations are you referring to? If you can jump on something so minor as "your and you're" but it's ok to not use capital letter or periods and capitalize "I" (like i told RedRidingHood)" . Clarify.

  3. Not as wrong as "you are" (supposed to be your, not you're) grammar. :rolleyes:

    So that's all you could come up with out of my post is I used the wrong word. And a neg rep for it. . And even though I may not agree with your opinion on something, I would not give you a neg rep because you are entitled to your own opinion. I wasn't saying your opinion was wrong, I said it because you said "no matter the wrongitude"-their opinion was wrong. And wrongitude isn't even a real word, and your comment on my rep, I may have used incorrect grammar, but you didn't use any pronunciation. So who is calling the kettle black?

  4. You must be at least a few years older with that mentality. It's allllllll wrong for those in their early to mid twenties...or you're an alien.
    qft, I don't blame the guy who got the job before me because he went to college I blame myself for not sticking with it. just dumbass kid stuff, didn't flunk just stopped going. My fault not theirs.

    Im 24 and thats how I was brought up. My parents didnt let me blame someone else for my stupidity and I paid the consequences, then learned and tried not to make the same mistake again. What happened to personal responsiblity? If the company doesn't want to hire her, thats is their choice. Maybe they need some one with a lot of book smarts more than street smarts. Sometimes a degree doesnt mean shit, but that is up to the employer. Grow up people.

  5. I got THAT part.

    And for what it's worth I researched that lawsuit, the hot coffee melted through the plastic lid, something went wrong with the coffee machine or something and the coffee ended up unhumanly hot.

    Just wanted to share, completely off topic though.

    Mind sharing where you got that info? Id like to read it.

    This is what i found from wikipedia


    [edit] Background

    On February 27, 1992, Stella Liebeck, a 79-year-old woman from Albuquerque, New Mexico, ordered a 49¢ cup of coffee from the drive-through window of a local McDonald's restaurant. Liebeck was in the passenger's seat of her Ford Probe, and her grandson Chris parked the car so that Liebeck could add cream and sugar to her coffee. She placed the coffee cup between her knees and pulled the far side of the lid toward her to remove it. In the process, she spilled the entire cup of coffee on her lap.[9] Liebeck was wearing cotton sweatpants; they absorbed the coffee and held it against her skin as she sat in the puddle of hot liquid for over 90 seconds, scalding her thighs, buttocks, and groin.[10] Liebeck was taken to the hospital, where it was determined that she had suffered third-degree burns on six percent of her skin and lesser burns over sixteen percent.[11] She remained in the hospital for eight days while she underwent skin grafting. Two years of treatment followed."

  6. lol?

    The McD's incident awhile ago? She didn;t know he coffee was hot? I've spilled hot stuff in my lap. My fist thought was not to sue Tim Horton's, it was "Oh shit, I was a dumbass and now my nuts are on fire.

    If my college GPA was a C, I would expect the company to hire the person who had a B or A average. Then I would wonder why I didn;t try harder in college and blame myself and not someone else for my mistakes.

  7. You rang?

    Whatta ya want? Free speech... I've got no problem with it, no matter the degree of wrongitude. As long as people are laughing...

    Yeah, you're opinion is wrong.

    Our system is fucked up because "political service" has become something it was never intended to be - a career. In the beginning, the President's term was limited because we didn't want anyone to become "king" of the country. It was thought that those who held office in the house or the senate would serve their term then go back home and get back to doing whatever it was they were doing. Unfortunately, it didn't work out that way and we have many Congressmen and Senators who have served more than 20 years, and a few that have served more than 50. They dont have the same "retirement" as we do, and they certainly wouldn't be covered under the "national health care" plan.


    Correct. Look at Ted Kennedy. "Ted Kennedy has held his Senate seat for more than four decades, but considering his longevity, his accomplishments seem scant. He authored or argued for legislation that ensured a variety of civil rights, increased the minimum wage in 1981, made access to health care easier for the indigent, and funded Meals on Wheels for fixed-income seniors." He does just enough to stay in his seat. And when most people go to vote for someone, they say oh well I don't really know this other guy so I just stay with the one we have. Look at one term vs. two term presidents

    Correction: The 2 term limited did not begin in the beginning, this was started with FDR after he was elected to 4 terms. The maximum allowed is 10 years for the president.

    The money is only part of the issue.

    By and large the electorate are a bunch of sheep. They vote for whomever they're told to vote for - whether its by their Union, the media, their church, etc.

    Sheep is the perfect word.

    This is why those hate ads are run nonstop. Most people will not research anything they just see the ad that say "Joe Schmo fondles little boys" and whether or not this is true, they remember that and vote for the other guy. Or like in this election people voted for Obama because he is black and we need a black president. Yeah your skin color dictates how good of a president you'll be. Is that considered reverse racism? (let see who understand that.)

    +1 to Todd

    Most people stop listening to me after I say it but oh well.... I don't vote for president.

    The electoral college is flawed and will constantly under represent the people. Why should 1% of voters in CA have more say than 100% of voters in RI? Just because CA has more residents? Sorry I have a major problem with that.

    Discount, discredit, or disregard me if you choose to, but nothing any of you say will change my feelings on this.

    I agree with the system being flawed by the electoral college. How can someone be elected without having the majority poplular vote? Would it be hard to make every vote count? Especially now with voting being done on computers, I would imagine (but dont know for sure) this would be more feasible.

    We don't live in a Democracy

    It's a Representative Republic, get it right.

    Socialistic Republic :lol:

    Because no matter what happens one side is always going to be vocal and the other side is going to be defensive.

    Every 4-8 years it's just different people being vocal :)

    No matter who is president, .....Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, we will always find fault with them.

    BUT depending on the party of the current president dictates how everything is spun. Clinton got a blow job, whooptie do, but he lied under oath! If A replublican was in the same situation, he would have been thrown out of office.

    Obama told a guy opposing him at a rally that he needs to come down so he (obama) could kick the change out of his pockets. Then proceeded to go "blah blah blah) Yeah thats the maturity level I want in a president. Sounds like a winner to be.

    Not saying I agree with all that McCain stood for but he was the lesser of two evils. And unlike Gore, he stepped down from the lost race with some dignity.


  8. First off, it is just a proposal. This is why we have 100 people on the opposite end of the building drafting their own version, and given the fact that IT JUST CAME OUT OF COMMITTEE means that there are 376 additional people besides the committee that just voted on it to debate it further. So that means we have almost 500 people who have direct access to the bill to make changes as their constituents (if only I still believed that) see fit.

    I mean seriously, this is the time to debate the provisions but everyone is carrying on like they've already passed the thing and it's a active law.

    So you tacitly admit that the current system is flawed. How would you fix it?

    No it hasn't been passed but just the idea that it was even drafted like this is shocking! People actually thought a bill like this is a good idea!? How to fix it? Educate people.

  9. I don't know...I understand about not showing tits, that could offend someone where you work...but again why are you getting on here at work when you know tits could pop up on your screen. But then again, most of this is becoming commonplace on tv. How many years ago was it when you never heard "ass","bitch" or "damn" on tv? Now they are just like any other word.I like the idea someone had earlier what about a ""show NWS content" on the main page? If your a visitor or when you first log on, the NWS (all avatars and sigs too) material is not shown, this is the default. When you log on, you have the option to turn this stuff on. Ive also heard this can be controlled in the usercp but NWS stuff will already be up before you can get to the CP to turn it off. I don't really care one way or the other. Not a big deal where I work and if I cant see tits here there is always the porn sites...:lol: Just my 1 cent worth

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