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Posts posted by chevysoldier

  1. Especially HER. He really should have insisted on some type of protection for his passenger. My guy has been known to hide my bike keys when I even hint that I am going to ride without gear. Yeah it annoys me at the time, but it's because he cares about my well-being.

    I haven't let anyone ride with me yet because I don't feel ready to take being responsible for someone else's life, and when you have a passenger, you have their life in your hands.


  2. Well the jporters and I took the Ohio Basic Riders Course today and succesfully passed it. I already had my endorsement but I just called it in to my insurance and they dropped my yearly payment by 23 bucks! Sweet. It was an okay course for the brand new rider but for me it was kind of slow going. I did learn I don't look as far through my turns as I should so It wasnt too awfully bad. lol

  3. So they left a dictatorship(near socialism) where they couldnt succeed to come to a capitalistic US where they could succeed and we are movong towards socialism. So they couldnt succeed under a dictatorship and you want socialism? The wanted to succeed so they went to a place where they could...is this what your saying?
    A dictatorship is not "near socialism". :nono: One person making the decisions is hardly equatable to everyone making the decisions.

    okay its not anywhere near socialism. So its closer to capitalism? Thats why so many people leave dictatorships and socialistic countries to come to capitalism....gotcha

  4. Actually I didn't miss the point.

    JRMIII said successful people will be successful.

    You said tell it to the people living in Iraq.

    I said that people from Iraq who wanted to be successful came to Dearborn, MI and are living the good life.

    I will make two points here, first who are you to decide what succeed means? Different people have different goals in life, I am sure people in Dubai think you are poor and unhappy.

    secondly you said " I dont like illegal immigrants reaping benefits they havent put in to," well why would you like us funding a war to make a bunch of foreigners happy?

    From your screen name I bet you are/were in the military and have "seen things" I see them too, especially when I hang out with my cousin that got fucked up in Iraq.

    So they left a dictatorship(near socialism) where they couldnt succeed to come to a capitalistic US where they could succeed and we are movong towards socialism. So they couldnt succeed under a dictatorship and you want socialism? The wanted to succeed so they went to a place where they could...is this what your saying?

  5. If you want to tell the people that lived under Saddam come with InyaAzz and me to Michigan this weekend. I will introduce you to about 1/2 million Iraqi nationals that are doing quite well for themselves.

    You realize what you said right? You missed the whole point.

    They left Iraq to come to a capitalistic country where they could succeed because they couldnt make it in Iraq. Go to Iraq and tell how you think they could do any better under sadam? Oh wait they are cuz we relieved him of his duties., And if they were in Michigan they weren't living under saddam now were they? :lol:

  6. Sure. I feel much better about the general direction we're heading than I did 8 years ago. I'll stand by my statement... do you feel oppressed by our current regime? Really?

    Hmm, I dont like paying for lazy people's health coverage, I dont like illegal immigrants reaping benefits they havent put in to. I dont like obama making a photo shoot over NYC and scaring the shit out of everyone. I like my guns, I like free enterprise(would obama give money to your local jiffy lube to keep them from going under?)

  7. My adoptive parents are a different skin color and Im hispanic. I was adopted because my two (not bio)older sisters were killed after birth. 2 lives for the price of saving one life. I live life to the best and treat everyone with great respect. If I get knocked down I stand up for who I am and the reason I exist is to care for others. Maybe it was meant to be that my mom had the suffer the loss of her two babies. She wanted another child and decided to not adopt in the USA and risk her life going to get me in waring country. I sometimes feel hate towards myself for being alive and that I was saved because 2 innocent baby girls had to die. It just makes my life so hard to live through. I will live for them and I will always love my mom. She is a great person and quite frankly its hard to find people like her. Im still thinking about it but thanks for the advice.

    There is a greater design than you or I. Why feel hate? You gave your adoptive mother great joy she may have never had without you. You should be greatful for that.

  8. If you're truly successful, you'll find a way to be regardless of any constraints placed on you.

    uhhh....:wtf:? Tell that to those that lived under saddam, dont you think they wanted to be succesful? Or did they say"I like living in a hut with no shitter or running water."

  9. My regular state issued plate for my wifes car is EZ80YS. Isnt that nice. My fucking tag tells the world my wifes EZ. The worst part is now I traded my truck for a minivan for the wife and I am driving the Grand Prix. Yep....now Im a flamer.


    I have to renew my tags this month so I think it is time for a new plate.

    lol my bike plate starts with 69 :D

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