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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Stick around, you'll figure it out. Another bug Casper... When I type ":lol:" for the smiley, it didn't use the image. When I click it in the smiley's list, it does. I always type them, since I know most of the ones I use.
  2. Dead cow is what I was thinking. There's not enough room in the one I have now for a half a cow. I don't have anywhere to put one THIS big right now, though. Ugh...
  3. I got a REALLY good deal on cable (for the next year or so) therefore I just went back to that. It's not as good as Directv, but I cannot justify the high price that Directv wants. When I see my cable bill go up, I will call and get a new promo, or cancel to drop back to just internet with them. I'm just playing their game, by their rules to get what I can for my buck.
  4. I wish I had the space for that beast! I need a bigger freezer than I have, but not quite THAT big!
  5. Maybe the 3 horizontal lines that denote a menu on mobile sites? That's what I've heard it called pretty much everywhere. I guess it is pretty much the same, other than the top of the page.
  6. Yeah, it's nothing new by any means. It just happens to be one of my least favorite parts of mobile usage.
  7. Yeah, I suppose. With some digging around in it, I found what I wanted. I just hate having stuff tossed into the "hamburger menu" BS...
  8. How in the hell is this the same as the desktop version? Same would mean same menus, etc...
  9. About to head out to see about getting my first tattoo done. I have some ideas in mind, we'll see what the artist comes up with!
  10. 50k fewer miles than my car, too! LOL Mine's going to hit the 1/4 million mile mark in the next week or 2!
  11. And that's a year newer than my newest vehicle! LOL Welcome to MY world! GM does some pretty dumb stuff in this regard. However, I have figured out shortcut for most!
  12. Now he's gotta be REALLY pissed that he's been figured out...
  13. April 18 2009 is when I joined. It's all gone downhill since.
  14. Ok, ok... I'm liking the activity streams, customizing my own, and a couple of the defaults. I'm going away now, I'll be back tomorrow to see how it works with more new content!
  15. Like my post before your's? I'm learning!
  16. Here's a shot of the area when not logged in.
  17. Ok, I found "condensed view" for the feed that looks more like what I'm used to. Edit: This does not seem to be a persistent setting... Now if I could just get all activity by thread, without getting each post... Edit: got that figured out! Seems a little more powerful already.
  18. Hmm... I thought for sure I had mentioned it before. It has become habit for me to do that to post in the vast majority of forums that I have participated in. Recently, another forum I participate in for work has switched to IPboard and it's that way as well. I just hit the tab key once, THEN ctrl+s would work. Don't mess it up though, since it's working now!
  19. You've become too serious, BTW... My bitching is only half hearted. I'm getting MORE than what I pay for here. I'll adapt, maybe. In all seriousness, thanks for all you do to make ORDN great! I know you have MUCH more going on, and this stuff takes a LOT of time! Oh yeah, I like that pressing ctrl+s will submit replies again! That is one thing that I REALLY did miss in the transition from vBulletin.
  20. All addicts do when you mess with whatever it is they're addicted to! ROFL!
  21. Also, the "New Content" only gives me 9 topics?!?!?! I'm liking the editor window better, so far.
  22. WTF??? I was JUST getting used to the last fuck up! You need to fix the login button! All I could see was a "Sign up" button. I got lucky when I moved my mouse and discovered the login link. Also, on the unread content screen get rid of the post preview, and let that be a mouseover event. There is WAY too much on e one page now. Also, this fixed width skin is pure BS! I have a widescreen monitor, I want ORDN to be widescreen for it to fit my monitor! It's only a pretty standard 1920*1080!
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