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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. There are some pretty cool people up in the NW part of Ohio though, as long as Sam and Fonz stay away! (I kid, those guys are cool, too.)
  2. It's Ohio Riders, not Central Ohio Riders. The goal last year was to plan a few meet and greets around other parts of the state. I'm not sure if any actually happened though. Last year was an odd year anyway.
  3. Wow. I just looked at the map, and there is absolutely NO fun way to get there. Now I know why you guys are willing to head down here to ride with us!
  4. Oh yeah, I forgot, we have a dog that I'd like to call football. Maybe you could help with that as well, if you weren't clear out in grovetucky.
  5. If you were closer, we need someone.
  6. I probably can, what size are the wheels? It would be all the way up in Westerville though, if you could stop by during the day with them.
  7. +rep! I wish I could rep you like 1000 times for that!
  8. And in the end, it's not the people that will be judging her anyway. If she did get away with murder, she will get it in the end.
  9. Thinking back, I wish a LEO would have been around for a family members funeral a few years ago. We were on a limited access highway, taking the off-ramp when another car cuts into the procession. Very disrespectful, and from what I've read here THAT would be illegal. I don't wish vengeance on them, just for them to have been stopped and "encouraged" to think about what they had done.
  10. In other words, it takes and extreme situation before people are willing to take "a stand" on something. People are too wishy-washy anymore.
  11. That's how I take it, I was just curious how LEO's treat it. As I understand it, what the OP did is perfectly legal. Which brings us right back to it being an etiquette issue, which is pretty much opinion.
  12. In English officer? To me, that doesn't really clarify the discussion at hand, other than to say that it's not clearly stated in the ORC for the situations we're discussing.
  13. I do the same. I rode in a funeral procession a couple months ago, and the LEO leading was flagging the people in the opposite direction on, to keep them going, which I found to be odd. This is necessary information for the discussion at hand.
  14. That it is such a national crisis. /thread.
  15. Only if I knew that I was shooting blanks. I know that I'm not, so it's a no go for me. That, and I'm married.
  16. But not wearing helmets causes all of our insurance rates to increase, or so "they" say.
  17. Air up your tire before you get hurt. Tire pressure gauge. If you don't have one, you shouldn't be on your bike. You need to check the tire pressure often.
  18. We lost one on that turn last year. I haven't seen the guy on here in a long time. He had a pretty new ZX6R.
  19. That kind of talk will get you the banhammer!
  20. jporter12

    4th ride?

    Sorry if I fuel the fire here Swingr, but this cannot be re-iterated enough (and it's for everyone, not just you) but as long as you ride your own ride, and your own pace, it will be fine. I've been out with these guys many times, on the 250 even, and have seen a few people riding above their abilities go off the road, and most stay within what they're capable of and make it home without a scratch. I've learned a LOT from riding with these guys, and now they don't have to wait for me very long at the next turn off!
  21. jporter12

    4th ride?

    80 MPH is too fast?
  22. jporter12

    4th ride?

    I'm gonna ride! 10 miles on the slab to help my dad out. Have fun and be safe out there!
  23. 541 is nice. Coshocton only sucks if you live there. The first part of you route is the way I usually get to Westerville for food or to go to a store. I go that way to work sometimes too, but most of the time I hit 161 to 270 to Cleveland Ave.
  24. Exactly. You can't have it both ways. If you don't want the freedom, move to an actual socialist nation, and quit trying to turn our's into one.
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