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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Ride faster to get there! If Ebon can make it, you can In the toaster to see us off? I'm leaving soon to head out!
  2. I've noticed. And I've been actually working for the past few months, so my post count has been down. Once I get settled into the new job more, I should be able to remedy that! (Not really, though) Or KawiKid! :bambislayer: Casper has been busy with a new kid for the past week or so, that evens it out a bit!
  3. Ugh. I had pizza for lunch AND dinner. Heartburn is setting in, and this thread isn't helping. Time to put out the heartburn with another beer.
  4. Nice Ohio Riders sticker! Good job on all the stuff you've done since I rode with you last! It looks like you've gotten MUCH better at getting on the bike, as well! I hope to get to ride with you more sometime! Post up when you want to go out on a ride!
  5. Just get a whole strip mall, and have all four! I know a couple Tattoo artists that would probably be up for it!
  6. Pauly's very opinionated' date=' but knows what he's talking about when it comes to bikes. These two are the nicer way of saying the same thing that Pauly did. I'm surprised that Hon-duh would be in the vocabulary of someone with Desmo in their screenname!
  7. What is this Farrow's that you speak of? Is that where bike night is? Naw, seriously though, it does sound like their prices are a bit out of line, and I'm glad to hear that a good guy is getting his piece of the pie!
  8. Same color as my Snap On box and tool cart! GLWS!
  9. Awesome write up! I'm a bit disappointed that I had to work, and only got a short time to hang out after that, but there was a bit more than just working to that day for me, as well. More on that another time though. You are doing an amazing ministry, keep it up! This reminds me of a passage 1 Corinthians 9:21-23 says: 21 To those not having the law I became like one not having the law (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law), so as to win those not having the law. 22 To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. 23 I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.
  10. Maybe I'll have to try to make it out after work next week to check this place out!
  11. I just bought a pair of the Marshmallow ear buds, and on the initial test of just throwing the helmet on, after switching the foam pieces out, I think I'm going to like these. Last season I had a pair of Skullcandy Ink'd that I used only a couple times. Over the winter they came up missing, so after reading this thread, and forgetting what one's Casper said worked best, I remembered that he said JVC something so I tried the "Sport" ear buds, which have the piece that wraps around the ear. They worked really well, about half the time. Once I got the helmet on, the slight pressure against the bottom of my ear would cause them to pop out and ruin the whole deal. The Marshmallows seem to be fine for that. I got them at Meijer for 19.00$ 99 cents cheaper than the OP!
  12. Meh. Boring. The most interesting (not very, at that) would be head to Johnstown, take a right at the second light (coming in on 37, that is) and follow that to 204. Then one of many ways to get to Refugee rd, all look boring, 256, Milnor, Pickerington Rd, etc. then Refugee to just west of 256, left on Windmiller.
  13. Fixed... Or at least that's how I understood it...
  14. Google plus... Interesting. I think I'm going to like it.
  15. The google plus puppies are no longer safe.
  16. Happy birthday, nobike kid! (BTW... did you get my message on FB, or should I have sent a PM here?)
  17. I'll be praying for God to guide the hands of the people caring for Dave, and for healing, and comfort in all of this for his family and friends.
  18. Wow, those aren't cheap by any means! (At least the S&W aren't, they're what I looked at.)
  19. The OP should have some left from that radiator episode not long ago!
  20. You came to the wrong place for that!
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