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Posts posted by jporter12

  1. My wife and I both REALLY suck at budgeting, and we're in the process of changing how we do things, but it's still all from the same joint account.  We also have 2 savings accounts, one to not be touched other than emergencies, the other is linked to the checking account for a cushion, and bigger purchases.


    My wife is really good at planning, and with that will get things paid on time.  I'm better than her with math and spreadsheets, so I that's what I do, and together we are figuring out how much needs to be in the account at certain times to pay bills.  More accurately, we are using a spreadsheet for a checking account register, and we'll be taking out 1/4 of the larger monthly bills out of that each week, so that we will know what we CAN spend, instead of just thinking that we have enough, and ending up NOT having enough.  Once we get back on top of things, we will be doing more auto pays, etc...

  2. I make about 10k more a year than my wife. But her job pays for our health insurance for a family of 4 which is roughly 10k a year. Our money just goes into one account and all the bills come out of that account. When we want something or want to get our kids something we just do it without much discussion because we invest, donate and save what is recommend for our age group.


    Sounds very similar to what we do in my house.


    I'm not married but might as well be... Own a house, new car together etc.. We split 50/50.. We budgeted all our monthly bills and an entertainment allowance and split it down the middle... We have a shared account that we put our portion into and all shared bills and entertainment are paid from that account.. The rest of the money is ours to do whatever with... No shared finances, no reason to argue about money... Don't need permission to buy shit either... We never ever argue over money, not even one time... Shared finances is a terrible idea in my opinion but everyone has their own preferences


    I think the important thing is that you have found what works for the 2 of you to take care of things.  It sounds like it works well, too!


    I control the purse strings. All pay checks deposited in to one checking account. All bills come out of that. All spending goes on the credit card for the reward points. All savings gets divided out between 2 savings accounts. The one savings account is awesome because I can put the money in to multiple buckets within the account that I have ear marked for certain things. This year I've pledged to start investing other than our work 401k's and my IRA.

    It works pretty damn well even if there is some areas we spend more than id like


    Is the savings account setup that way, or is it just something that you keep track of?  I like that idea, and I think we may be doing some more of that in the future.

  3. I think it's awesome how well they take care of their customers. Upgrading to the newer model, they don't have to do that. I'm sure they could have taken mine apart and cleaned it but instead they shipped the new version which I can take apart the cap switch and clean. 


    Agreed.  Although, it's probably less labor intensive (cheaper) for them to just toss a new one in a box and ship it out.  Plus, this level of customer service WILL build customer loyalty.  I know I will not hesitate to buy another Streamlight product now!  The only thing that holds me back from buying a more expensive light is the fear of losing it!  For some reason, this slightly bigger light has stuck with me.  The smaller Stylus Pro's don't seem to like to hang around.


    I have a Stylus Pro that needs a new end cap assy.  I know it won't be covered under warranty, because the batteries leaked, and they WILL be able to tell.  I know the end cap will fix it, I tried one from another light (which I ended up losing!!!)  They have them for under $5 on their website, which is GREAT!  until you add it to the cart and shipping is added.  Almost $20 for a part for a $27 flashlight?  I don't think so.  I found an online dealer that has them for about dollar more, and only about $5 shipping.  I think it was just over $9 shipped.

  4. They're tossing parts at it because they've no idea how to fix it. I hope you're not buying these parts.


    Exactly.  I've seen it before, and I've even been in the position to have to do this, due to a lack of repair information, told top by management, etc...  I don't like to fix them that way.

  5. So, with the Christmas holiday, it took them a little longer to get it to me, their system showed that it shipped Saturday, 12-26, I got it Wednesday 12-30.  What I got is the latest production version of the same light, which is 10-tap programmable, where the old one wasn't.  I'm just relieved to have it back!  I never realized how much I use it every day!

  6. Exactly the same here, right up until my sisters husband killed himself. When it's someone you know you understand better what they go through. Certainly the wrong choice but when you see how much trouble they had going on in their head you realize it isn't their fault.


    Fortunately, I've never had it happen to anyone very close to me, however I do know that you sometimes never know what's really going on with someone, even those that are closest to you.

  7. correct.

    Head of security is ex LEO and has the "only cops should carry" mentality.

    "I miss America"


    THOSE former LEO's worry me a little bit.  Kind of like Rosewood in Beverly Hills Cop 3!  LOL

  8. My mechanic friend and I went over the whole deal and try to free it up. Had it freed up at one point but when I went to go into reverse it went right back to stuck in second.

    At 450, I would need $150 clutch and pay my buddy $200 to put it in. That puts me at $800. Not sure if this car is worth putting that much more into when it already has 170,000 miles and is rusting bad on the rear quarters. I have to much in it to invest much more.


    Yeah, sounds like the trans is probably done, and for what it is, it wouldn't be worth it to pull it out and try to fix that one.  It also sounds like the cost of replacing that one is borderline insane for the situation.  I'd be tempted to make you an offer on it, but I'm not a Mazda kind of guy.

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