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Posts posted by jporter12

  1. I don't browse OR while on the shitter.  I HATE the mobile version (of most websites, not just OR, so don't have a cow, Casper) and I hate the zooming in and out and scrolling the view the the full site on the phone.  I just play games on the phone while on the shitter.  


    With that said, it's time to go to the shitter.

  2. I dropped my Pro-Tac 2AA Streamlight yesterday.  I got the claim submitted, and the will be sending the light back to them Monday.  The date code on it is 0312, which means it was made in March of 2012.  It must have been pretty fresh when I bought it because I've had close to that long.  It's been through hell, and is pretty beat up.


     CSR Managers and the salesamigos who sell them technology are bloody psycho.


    CSR/CSI is ruining businesses. Kind of like schools "teaching the test" we work for good surveys, not doing the best job we can.  While in theory, the best job we can do SHOULD get a good survey, it takes ass-kissing to actually get one.

  4. GM has pretty much everything that is needed for this, with the exception of the software being put into the vehicles.  They MAY need to add more side radar , but they have side cameras that seem to work well for low speed maneuvering.  We also have the haptic feed back (in the seats) for lane departure.  We also have lane keep assist that will keep you between the lines.  The rumor that I hear is that GM with have a self-driving vehicle this next year.  Still not in production though, due to all of the legalities.


    I'd love to take a Tesla out for a cruise.  Any of the electric/hybrid stuff that I have driven has some pretty hard acceleration!

  5. I do have a slight issue with buying direct out of country so easily. At least their should Ge restrictions to selling the end user direct from foreign countries. Cuts out the middle man in the U.S. Not sure how Asia can sell stuff so cheap and offer free shipping.


    Because that's how little this stuff REALLY costs to produce!  The regular market models are usually a little more robust, but I would doubt that they're 5-10 times the cost more robust!  We ahve some Android tablets floating around the house here that came from one of those china crap websites.  Some of them actually work really well.

  6. I am real surprised it hasn't been said yet. It's a Dodge, it WILL have tranny issues. They always have and always will. Shitty situation your in though. i would say take it to a different dealer.


    Unfortunately, the best guy I know when it comes to Chrysler's and their transmission has moved on to GM!  Otherwise, I'd tell you to take it to where he worked!

  7. So the service advisor called this morning.

    They have recreated thr trouble twice, but the computer isn't storing the code. What do you want us to do?

    Thats some shitty customer service right there.


    They have resources for technical assistance, THEY know what THEY need to do!  That fancy scanner that they checked for the codes with?  It's connected to a laptop.  They can put said laptop in the truck, maybe even have someone else with them to drive, and watch the data and take a "snapshot" or recording of what's going on when the problem occurs.  It could be as simple as a speed sensor getting a slightly skewed reading, they've had speed sensor issues for MANY years, like all the way back to the early 90's for their transmissions!  Let's face it, transmissions are not known to be one of Chrysler's strong points! (I have made a LOT of money fixing them over the years when I was in independent shops, before making the move to GM dealerships.)


    What bothers me as a technician, is that they would have it go into a lower (that much lower, anyway) gear immediately when it happens.  


    PM me, or hit me up on FB with the Dealership name.

  8. Got the new car waxed today, especially good coating in the door jams and under the door. Averaging 47 mpg highway and 34 mpg on surface streets. The auto start stop is a nifty feature, at a red light clutch out, and it shuts off, when it turns green clutch in and starts right back up. It's smooth, smoother than any other car with it I've ever been in. 6 speed is slick and has enough torque to cruise 40mph in 6th with a 5 or 4 downshift for a hill. 4 and 5 don't even get used when getting up to speed. 1-2-3-6. It's very smooth for a 3 cylinder, hell it is smooth for any small car. I gotta say every review dogged it as being under powered and while no it's not fast by any stretch of imagination it's like the grom, using your head and planning all your shifts and starts allows you to keep up with any generic mid size V6 sedan.

    Best part is even having a payment I've cut my fuel usage in thirds and even at current gas prices will be saving me about $100 dollars a month and using it to replace the wife's SUV cuts fuel usage by more than half, so using my car instead of hers for errands and such, the payment is really around $50 a month. And insurance is actually cheaper than the Trailblazer, probably because it has more than 2 air bags,


    Ok, so what is it?  I must have missed it somewhere.

  9. Hey stranger!  I haven't even seen you much on Facebook!  LOL  


    Congrats on all the big life changing events (house, kid) and don't be such a stranger!


    OR has changed, but a lot is still the same.  Some of the same postwhores are here, some new ones, etc.  Casper broke the site by changing to IPboard software (it is supposed to be better, and some things are, others aren't) and people do still ride, and set up group rides, etc.  There is still a lot of humor to be found here,

  10. Wife got some bad news on a pap test, more test and a biopsy are needed. This is the only place I can share because she don't want family to know until we know more. Thoughts and prayers are appreciate. Not a diagnosis just cancer or pre cancerous cells appeared on her pap.


    You should know that you've got the prayers coming from me, bub.

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