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Posts posted by jporter12

  1. Otterbox defender on every phone I've ever owned and never a crack or scratch and I'm hard on phones. Mine gets rolled down steps, laid on, greasy fingers, massive amounts of dust and getting lost in the recliner almost daily. I take it out of the case at least once a week to clean it off and replace the rubber piece of the otterbox at least every 6 to 9 months, free of charge of course because lifetime warranty.


    So they handle multiple claims for the same case pretty well?  The outer shell of mine just broke for the second time due to the design of it leaving a really thin part.  And my inner part is getting pretty worn out.  I haven't looked into how well they handle multiple claims from the same case until now.

  2. I've had the cheapest plastic case ever on my iphone for the last 3-4 years, no shock protection whatsoever, never a cracked screen.


    My past few HTC phones have not even had cases on them, and none of them broke!  Due to Sprint having some kind of promo or something, I got an OtterBox pretty cheap for my One M8, and it's been on it since day one.  I don't think I could hold on to this phone without a case on it!  Curved, smooth back panel.  I wish I could say that it's been my best phone yet, but I just can't.

  3. I have a couple week start on mine.  It's time to trim the neck, or maybe all the way back to a goatee, then let the rest grow out shorter than the goatee.  


    I guess it's time to get serious about some beard conditioning products, unless I decide to shave it off.

  4. The na 2.5i is pretty un-tunable. Even with full intake and exhaust and cams and a tune you only net like 20-25 hp for your $2k investment. I just want it to sound a little meaner.


    It's not all about horsepower.  Driveabilty and fuel economy are big winners with a proper tune, as well.

  5. The Pope can become a false idol just as rapidly as anyone, and the church complicit in wielding power as an explicit or implicit state religion in ways that trample on the freedoms and equality of mankind.  What's worse is then spewing hypocrisy to appear the ally of the underdog.


    This is what I have been sensing happening.  


    Also, that church itself can become a false idol as well.  I have seen it.  

  6. I absolutely believe this.  

    No offense meant, but this is ultimately the reason I am no longer a Christian.  I don't believe it all.  To call myself a Christian would make me a hypocrite.


    I'm sure this will be an unpopular opinion, but that's never stopped me before...

    You can't be Christian and also think there is nothing wrong with homosexuality.  I don't care which you are, but you can't be both.  The Bible is quite clear on the subject: http://www.openbible.info/topics/homosexuality


    Lately, I've seen much energy and mental gymnastics in articles where the author tries to re-interpret these verses to mean something different for those who'd prefer to walk both side of the fence.  It's an act of futility.  For example:



    I have a great deal of respect for this.  You "get it" even though you don't agree with it!  

    • Upvote 1
  7. I am curious, how much harm are the Catholics actually causing all of you? I kind of view them the same as gays, or African Americans or Mexicans.  They don't bother me so I am happy to let them live their lives the way they want to.


    Same thing with the Jews, they are cool, they can have church on Saturday. Doesn't bother me a bit.


    I let them live their life their way as well.  

    The unfortunate part for me, as a Christian, is that they are CLAIMING to be of the same faith, but as Pauly said, they leave parts of the Bible out.  If the Bible is the book we are to live by, as Christianity believes, you cannot pick and choose.


    There are several issues that keep coming up to me where there is conflict between the Old and New Testaments that I've been trying to understand, and let me tell you, it ain't easy, or cut and dry!

    • Upvote 1
  8. It always surprises how easy it is to over tighten bolts on a bike and or cars. I installed my new rotor bolts on my bike and i just gave them a decent snugging with the hex wrench. Then i went to the tool box and got my torque wrench set it to 23lbs and commenced to tighten them. And 7 of the 10 were already tight enough or too tight. So follow you shop manuals folks because a over tightened bolt can be just as dangerous as a under tightened one becuase they can snap off due to too much pressure prob when you least want it to.


    I go by the sound of the impact gun...


    Apparently North America ran out of IPv4 addresses last night.

    Sent from my iPhone.


    I thought that was supposed to have already gone down?  All of my equipment at home is IPv6, although I still use IPv4 on the LAN side.

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