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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. I'm gonna guess that it's somewhere in between. I'm sure they're profiting from this, but yet some portion of it is justified for what they're saying it's for. The question lies in what those amounts are, and what would be "fair" for them to still make a small amount, and be able to maintain services. Are they at that point, or is there some other way they can fund what will be lost? All stuff that's WAY over my head!
  2. Shouldn't you be busy making sammiches? I'm not happy about the snow. that is all.
  3. FAT or FAT32 is what will usually work. You may have to format it using the command line to do it. And older version of windows should do it, if you have a computer around with one, or know someone with.
  4. You want some cheese and crackers to go with that whine?
  5. Translate form Engrish to American English please?
  6. I can run mine at around 85, but there's not much left in it up there.
  7. This. What a sad place sometimes. I rescued my 500 from that town.
  8. I was going to, but ended up logging out and doing other stuff.
  9. JRM and I played a round (or was it more?) of domination, and neither of us were at the bottom of the board! I was surprised that I did so well, actually!
  10. I lived in Newark in 2007, and I remember that. Very weird, indeed! I lived in that area years ago. Back then, it was pretty decent, I don't know how it is now, to have an idea about the Meth Lab comments on the 10tv website.
  11. If it was you with the misconception, I'd ask wtf you're smoking!
  12. Hey, it was worth a try! I have some blow molding experience, and some machining experience, but no injection experince, molds, or process, or anything, FML.
  13. Make the "I" an anatomical eye. It would fit with the anatomical heart better.
  14. Oh, I missed this reply somehow. I don't drive an Exploder. I drive an Increpid. Funny thing, the first vehicle I had in today was a 94 Yota truck with a massive fuel leak, the second was a 94 exploder that needs cylinder heads! Irony at it's best!
  15. Just a quick look around, I can't find anything cheaper, depending on shipping. Someone else can chime in on quality, etc...
  16. If it was me, I would have beat them down, but I work on that stuff for a living, and have SOME (little) credibility. (sp?)
  17. So, Chevy and I were just talking FTF about this, let me pose this question: Would you rather have been there, had your firearm and not needed it, or needed it and not had it? Sure, in this instance, it sounds like there were too many people in too small of a place to have a clear shot. Since we're just playing armchair quarterback anyway, whatif?
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