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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Not quite the same. This person saved me hours of work and headaches taking care of some previous issues I had that needed taken care of, that ended up being refunds. I'll take my business to them for at least a few years in appreciation. I'm not THAT stingy with my money.
  2. I just use the real site in a browser on my phone. I guess I just don't need an app for each and every thing.
  3. I always though that it was free to e-file, unless you were doing more than one. I haven't used Turbo Tax for a few years though, we pay someone for doing our taxes. Not a national company, but an individual that does it on their own, getting the training, buying the professional software, etc... I'd rather give my business to someone like that than Intuit, even if it does cost a little more (it sound like no more than about $20 more.)
  4. If he keeps buying jeans that are that expensive, he'll be riding a a scooter, soon! I can't see buying any that are that expensive when a pair of $35 Levi's last me for 5-10 years. When I'm going to be doing work, I put on a work uniform!
  5. Is that for a pack of 5? I'm not about to pay anywhere NEAR that much for a pair of jeans!
  6. Amsoil and it will all be fine! http://www.millionmilechevy.com/
  7. McD's #4, large, with a diet to drink, and 2 apple pies. Friday was a bigger story. $510.33 for 150 gallons of Heating oil. I'm hoping that winter only drage out 6 more weeks, so that I don't have to buy more!
  8. Only when YOU'RE posting, prez...
  9. It's Hawaii, man. Oh, and rep to you, if skippy will let me.
  10. It's the "skippy rule", get it right, noobsauce.
  11. I know a couple people that have done ti fairly recently, and they were telling me that the DR's said the no-show rate for the actual procedure is extremely high.
  12. I didn't realize it was on, and I couldn't watch it on the TV anyway, since I couldn't afford the Directv bill. See how far all this "change" has gotten us? We've gone from greenbacks to just small amounts of change in our pocket! I guess I could have watched it online somewhere, but why bother? I don't care about him any more than he cares about me!
  13. Why don't you tell us what you REALLY think?
  14. 16 more to hit the big 5k!
  15. On the cruise control brake switch recall, even if the vehicle doesn't have cruise, it's still got the switch. My Explorer is in on the recall, and the only options it has are power windows and locks, and alloy wheels. When the PO bought it, they got it for the same price as without that stuff, because they sent the wrong one, or something like that. Oh, and it's a 5 speed.
  16. Hmm... A couple years ago, Levi's still had some men's jeans made in the use. Now I haz a sad... Levi's just fit me right (plenty of room in the crotch.)
  17. They (manufacturers) are telling us what we want. What we want are auto's, according to them. 98 Intrepid, just turned 200k on Friday. Original engine (2.7 sludge monster, very clean on the inside) and trans. I have fixed a couple engine problems, the worst of which was due to my own idiocy (not checking the oil, right about the time it was due to be changed, knowing it will go through about a quart over about 3000 miles, and I change it around 5000 with synthetic.) This is not the norm for these cars, but I can't complain about the reliability! It only left my stranded twice in over 9 years of driving it nearly everyday, first was a bad radiator, the second a split plastic fuel line, that I could have walked across the street and picked up about $5 in parts to fix, if I would have had the tools on me.
  18. I've seen a few brands knockoff Carhartt, and have wondered if the quality is comparable, and if the Carhartt quality is even as good anymore.
  19. So I'm not the only one? Number 4 is on the way in June. Only 2 are officially mine, but that's just a technicality. That's the route we're taking, "while they're in there" for number 4.
  20. I see the value in it, and I'm sure that it's worth every penny spent, but there are more affordable options out there, even if they're not as intense. For now, I may be pursuing one of them for this year, and may be able to do something more like this in the future.
  21. Some styles of Levi's are supposedly still made in America.
  22. jporter12

    new here

    Who's Hutch? OH! the rider formerly know as TARR, aka Hulk! Welcome to the madness!
  23. Although, Shawn vs. a HOA would make for some cool stories, I'm sure!
  24. I have a general distaste for the mere IDEA of a HOA.
  25. I have no doubts it is worth it, just out of my grasp right now! I would love to do this, and any other advanced riding courses I could find, but I have to provide for my family as a priority.
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