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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Demonoid rocks! I'd go with your phone company and get DSL for a while. "Borrowing" Wifi is probably not going to work out very well for you. They most likely block certain types of traffic anyway, making their guest access worthless for you. Also, if it's anything like Mt. Carmel East's guest network, the download speeds are pretty slow, and they make you keep having to accept their terms every few hours or so, similar to the page you were sent to with TW.
  2. jporter12

    which one

    Wii. Seriously though, I have a 360 and a Wii. They both do Netfilx, as does the PS3, which is what we use it for the most. The 360 is cool for the Media Center capabilities, and I stream videos from my Home Server, easily. Wireless networking requires an adapter, or a wireless bridge. The PS3 has the Blu-ray, which could be a big advantage.
  3. My wife's cousin is a service adisor, or manager at a larger Toyota dealership in the Pittsburg area, and I can tell you that they have a serious customer satisfaction program. Yhere are vacations, bonuses, and such for the ones that do well in sales and customer satisfaction. Bottomw linw is that Toyota doesn't mess around, and they want to see the customers treated right.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72jHhkApfi0
  5. What I don't get, they aren't the ones going to get in trouble, it's the end user. The only gripe they should have is if you're eating a tremendous amount of bandwidth, that you pay for anyway.
  6. Happy birthday to the guy that puts more miles on huis bik ein a month than some people put on theirs in a season!
  7. They call it the stealership for a reason! Business is slow. That's why the give people loss-leader coupons, so that they can seel them additional work. Trying to sell BOGUS work is well... Bogus.
  8. At least I still have to originals that don't work! I'm fairly reserved about how long I share something that I have downloaded. I THINK that helps.
  9. Let them know that 48 hours is your limit at the pay they're offering.
  10. Lately, I've been looking for stuff to replace damaged media (many thanks to kids.)
  11. I had a similar situation several years ago, but it was because of a specific file (movie) that someone in my house had downloaded. This was with the phone company, and they had been contacted by the company that was responsible for the movie. I've never had anything like that with Time Warner.
  12. I think the majority are that way, the teachers still get paid through the summer, for what they did through the school year. If that's the case, I don't see what where having more calamity days are as big of a deal financially. It's a pain in the rear for families trying to plan vacations, etc... based on the last day of school, so that's why I don't want to see more days.
  13. Fixed. Aren't teachers paid a straight salary anyway? I know a few that I can ask if about how it all works.
  14. When I was in school, we rarely got a snow day. Now they get one if the wind blows.
  15. I use Carquest Premium filters, made by Wix.
  16. What brand of oil should I use?
  17. jporter12

    are you back?

    I only see 6 pages of that thread.
  18. There are some other auto-electric shops around Columbus, I think there's one on Refugee, near 104. Do some calling around is all I know to tell you!
  19. I was preparing to ride the bike into Newark tonight, but I got the alternator replacement finished on my car just in time that I didn't have to.
  20. Duh. I think that was obvious... Maybe I'll spell it out competely next time.
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