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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. I used to get awesome fuel mileage on mine, but after waking it up (running it harder) it's not so good. I had never hit reserve until today, and I always waited until about 180 miles on the tank to fill up. Today, I hit reserve at 157 miles! I guess I have been running it hard, and lots of short trips!
  2. And I know where one is! Then again, someone on craigslist has a 07 Ninja 250 listed for $2800 or something like that! I think they'll be sitting on that one for a while, even though it only had 1800 miles.
  3. Another reason I don't leave my helmet on the bike, unless it's a stop on a group ride.
  4. The thumb brake sounds like a good idea! I had to actually ride my bike to know how much I use the rear, and it is very little, unless I need to stop really quickly. I sometimes will use it by itself in traffic, or when almost completly stopped, but rarely am I in situations where I think I couldn't do without it. It sure sounds like you have every little thing planned out! I'm sure little things will pop up as you get it together, but you have it all together.
  5. Troyers was going to open a location in Johnstown. I'll have to ask around to see if that's still going to happen.
  6. For tomorrow, absolutely! I need to work on the other bike anyway, I just know that if it's not raining I'll get down here to the shop and say f-it and ride anyway, so why not go ahead and see if anyone else wants to go, pending the weather holding out. The DTC ride, I'm in unless something else comes up between now and then. Even in the rain...
  7. Edit: It's looking like the weather is going to be hit or miss. I'm not looking to get wet this time, and nobody has showed much interest, other than TaRR, but he won't be able to go until about the time I would want to be heading back. Sorry man. That is why I said not 100% sure it will happen... If the rain stops, and someone commits to wanting to ride, I will go. /Edit Anybody up for some sort of ride Sat afternoon? Probably be ready to go around noon or so, as it gets warmer. Nothing too serious, just to get out for a little while. I was thinking Coshocton area, maybe take some the route that will be used for the CSBA ride in a couple weeks (leaving out the straight boring parts!) or whatever. Even Hocking would be ok, if someone wants to lead around there, since I don't know the area. I don't want to be out too late, and not 100% sure I will even go, since I really need to work on my hon-duh to get it back on the road. Weather is also a factor, and might make it a last minute decision to not go. I don't want to get soaked on a ride that's just for fun! Anyway, post up ideas, if anyone wants to ride, etc...
  8. If it's just the hard drive failed, why not replace it? They're not that expensive!
  9. I'll post up if it's definate that I'll be there the night before. Until then I'm only a maybe, and not one to wait for. I'd probably be early anyway.
  10. If you're getting another laptop, I think Toshiba is the only laptop worth buying.
  11. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=501022&postcount=11
  12. I thought it was confirmed a daytrip. If it was an overnighter, I don't think I'd be in for it, since I didn't plan on it.
  13. OR Is windex like your breath steam?
  14. Beyond that, all I can say is we need time limits on this stuff, just as we need term limits on the ones that control the funding...
  15. Is she going? We all could take turns meating her, then.
  16. Would somebody please un-invite this ass before it's too late? Actually looking forward to meeting the typing cat!
  17. That's 33-1/3 Fonzie... I figured someone of your... vintage... would know that!
  18. Actually, there ARE laws like that on the books in many places, but get a LEO to enforce it... There was an article going around a few years ago about a lady getting a ticket for going to slow on a regular single lane road, impending the flow of traffic or something like that.
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