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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. I'm thinking about one as well, and I'm already $75 toward it with gift cards!
  2. I wasn't trying to crap it up either, just stating that I was in a good position to get decent footage of the one, and not the second. That is all.
  3. Holy cow! This even brought CO2 back! Fixed.
  4. The first minor one happened right in front of me, Chevy, and Schmuckgirl. I have to say, he did a good job of keeping it upright! The second one, was enough before us that we were waved down and stopped.
  5. where have you been? You should know better by now!
  6. Wow! That's some heavy metal! Glad to hear you're out!
  7. I forgot to say...."With all due respect". (Here comes JRMMiii in 3.......2.......1......)
  8. And keep that asshat Jagr away from him.... That's pretty rotten that he called Jagr out, though. I think Jagr's a pretty laid back guy, unless provoked. I don't want to see him pissed at someone though....
  9. Garage > ORDN ? I think not. Congrats Curby. Now be warned, they're going to try to talk you into dumping your mnetric cwooooozah, for the "real deal" Hardly.....
  10. Take it out to 1000rrrider. He'll hook you up.
  11. Wow! You're quick today! I didn't pick up on that at first, until I saw the QSL threadthat he posted in, which I read right after I posted in here. I don't see any need to change my earlier posts, either way. Fromt he looks of things, 1000rrrider might like him, if he gives him a good deal (and a reacharound.)
  12. He should know that. If not, Jagr needs to show him!
  13. I'm not so sure that I would admit to being friends with Jagr..... Jussayin' Welcome to the site. Now go get you a moorsickle, and ride with us!
  14. Maybe because it was a bit cool Saturday? I was fine when I was riding hard, but then slabbing it back home, I about froze!
  15. Isn't trouble his middle name? I think he's second in line for the Thread Jack award....
  16. It's a rare occasion with me. I usually don't care what people think, I just don't want Rick to think I'm calling him a squid, when I was riding harder in a few turns than I should have been. I'm very impressed with that little 250, the tires I run on it, and my abilities to keep it under control, even when I was really close to my limits. The tail end of the medium paced group was about right for me abilities, but they KILLED me on the straights, where 80 felt like I was trying to kill that little bike! I was listening to some of the talk about some of the tracks that do track days, and it seems mid-ohio has some elevation changes (I have seen them, never been on the track) and might be more help than the flatter tracks. I was going to post that link, but the blur in the picture discouraged me. One BIG IMPORTANT thing I learned Saturday from doing, and from watching others, was preparing for the turn BEFORE getting into it. Outside, inside, outside. Don't try to run the center of the lane through the turn, it won't work nearly as well.
  17. Track days are a good idea, and I talked a bit to Todd about it a while back, as well. I don't know that I'll be able to do it this year, though. We'll see. AND, he knows how to get through them without going down! I'll volunteer to run out there in advance to deliver some popsicles to have them ready for us!
  18. With all due respect Rick, that is what UP means by riding over your head. I have done it, and I did Saturday and ended up over the yellow line once (only when I could see nothing coming, and had nobody to follow to see a good line, I'm still learning to pick a line for myself) and once on the ride home, thanks to the wind, again with nothing coming the other way. I know I was in over my head, and I think God above that he kept me safe. He's not trying to make you look bad by calling you out on it (at least I don't get that vibe from him) but wanting you to be more careful. John and Todd made the point when we stopped at the KFC to start on 79 that you need to ride your own ride, which I believe you did, with a couple exceptions. I went around a few people, and a few went around me. No harm no foul either way. Although I guess ego might get in the way a bit when a Ninja 250 goes around a supersport, but it shouldn't! I was going to bust on you for not reading the thread, but I see you caught it already. I don't know, but just be sure not to need one out in the Frazeysburg area. Todd might be the one to show up, and I hear he's "less than gentle" Heh.. Try riding a Ninja 250 when Jagr's around..... Gotta have thick skin around the OR community! I truly believe Rick is a good guy. I think he learned a lesson, and will be a better rider because of it. I look forward to seeing his Kat at the next CSBA ride, which I plan to be attending.
  19. Here ya go dude: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=388606&postcount=31
  20. I think it was the purple toe award. I forget who it was that posted it up in a thread.
  21. Oh, you mean right aboput the time I was catching you guys (on my 250!) I was right behind that one as well. That did not look fun at all! I figured he'd have to take a few minutes to wipe!
  22. What brand? It is something that I have been interested in since I started riding!
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