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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. We have a LOT of them in this area as well. There's a neighbor that does custom work on Harley's though, so we are going to see more. I like what I like because it appeals to ME and my needs, not to mention the opportunity factor, that was what was available when I was looking for something, for the price I could manage.
  2. I'm not really in, since I won the Monster Truck tix (thanks again BTW, the kids had a blast, as did the wife and I.) I just HAD to get that comment in!
  3. $25 MIGHT buy an official HD sticker.....
  4. JULY???? Wow dude, how will you ever survive?
  5. Nice! Just curious, how many hours went into that?
  6. Looks like a good cutout point for me would be the return trip on 541 @ 79. I'll likely continue along 541 to 62 to home. We'll see how it works out.
  7. I can speak for the condition of the bike. I test rode it the fall before he bought it. It runs well, and Chevysoldier is particular about taking care of his stuff. He did quite a bit of maintenance work to it while he had it. The current owner (I know him as well) hasn't put many miles on it since he's had it, from what I can tell. These Ninja 250's get awesome fuel mileage, in the 60-70 MPG range, they handle well, have an upright seating position, a good all around beginner bike. I'm still riding mine, and the only real issue I have is that it's not very good for longer freeway rides especially on the interstate where traffic is running 75-80 mph, as the top speed isn't that much higher than that!
  8. Nah, I'll let your NEO buddies take care of that.
  9. Are you gonna have him plant tulips as well?
  10. CSBA ride #1 for 2010. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=55722
  11. The $3 is the ONLY reason that he just used a rattle can..... I'm surprised he parted from that much!
  12. Maybe even let him ride it a little!
  13. Just buy the damn thing to give Pauly something to do. Geesh....
  14. That's what I was talking about, ASS TOOT poster, talking out your ass! I wouldn't put anyone (other than kids) in the back seat of my Camaro, unless they volunteered to get back there. If anybody gives you an OR sticker for a scooter, I vote to have you banned....Permanently!
  15. Ya, I'm too damn lazy to write. I almost walk out to cars with the laptop! Not gonna be running that soon. It looks like I'm gonna be riding the toofiddy.
  16. I'll figure it out. If not, I'll send it up to Pauly.
  17. Yeah, because they can't find you by IP address..... At least get the area down.....
  18. I'd join ya IF I could ever get the 500 back together.
  19. Wow man, this sux. I hope that you can get some sort of safe feeling back ASAP. I know after my car had gotten broken into a couple years ago, I didn't feel quite right at home for months, maybe not even until I moved away from there 4 or 5 months later. Not only dangerous, but it's annoying as hell, too. Never a bad thing! Either posting it, or doing it! This guiys should know. He knows security!!!!
  20. It's not all about the max power (sorry Shawn!) it's more about having the power where you need it, and the engine running optimally under all conditions. A properly tuned bike will be faster, but also smoother, and last longer!
  21. I haven't watched pawn stars. Maybe I should.
  22. Careful, his wife was MP! My dad would go crazy with that! Especially if they had anything for miniature horses. Not to mention that he's also a packrat. I really need to set TiVo to watch that for me. The few times that I've caught the show were cool.
  23. Well, that's one theory.... (I knwo I couldn't keep up on either with my slow bikes) Nice one MP, nice one!
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