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Posts posted by jporter12

  1. Haha well if you want to come see my bike, I guess that is worth a can of Budweiser lol

    Can? You just lost me. Can's are for vegetables, Spaghetti-o's, and Coca-Cola, not beer. :nono:

    I'd love to help you out, but I have so little time lately. Next weekend would be the first possible chance I'd have, and I'm not even sure about that, since one of my bikes is still in pieces.

  2. Lol, I actually have waved to a pink vespa. I'll wave to about anyone on a 2 wheels, circumstances permitting. The scooters will usually look behind them like

    "who me?" :lol: I'll wave at HD guys too. If they don't wave I give them a :bigfinger::lol: BMW guys are the worst I think, they never wave. The only one I have seen that does is one I would pass pretty often on my way to work.

    I think I've passed that BMW guy. DO you pass him on 37? If so, it's probably the same guy.

    I don't wave to bicycles, they almost never even acknowledge that you're there. I think they owuld rather not see anyone else on THEIR road.... :bigfinger: to them!

  3. I've only passed a couple bikes so far this year, and one of them was while I was stopping and downshifting, so he got the nod, but he did wave. Sportbike riders are like that.

    The HD riders are usually on a mission alright, a mission to stop the blurry vision from the vibration long enough to induce blurry vision from the alcohol they'll drink at the4 bar where they stopped.... (sorry Art, it was your choice to buy one!)

  4. tsk tsk... old news... you all supposed to be using the new guvbermunt broadband.gov test...

    I crank 7 down, at home, on the guvbermunt test


    They want your address, and other info? I think not. They already know who I am, and where I am. Fortunatey, they don't have any need (that I know of) to USE this information.

  5. I was mostly fukin with 1Krida. But it is time to put some work in.

    I'll prolly start on some things next week.

    I have a list of idears and I'll put up what I think will pan out and we'll see what everyone thinks.

    I shoulda known better! :lol: But why would you mess with him? It's not like he messes with anyone or anything. :dunno:

  6. Something about xBox & CODMW2 seems to make people obsessed & disappear

    Yeah, I've noticed him on there A LOT! I still haven't even played any since I added him on Live.

    No kidding. I guess he much really enjoy repeatedly being called a fag by some 13 year old kid in Kansas.

    Maybe they're more on his level? :lol:

  7. That fucker is always trying to do something that pisses people off. There doesn't seem to be anything we can do about it either. He even has people helping him out just waiting around to fuck with people. It's a conspiracy I tell ya.

    Are you referring to the Admin Nazi?

    I think he does a good job with the site, then again, I haven't posted anything out of line enough to get moderated.... Except maybe the admin nazi comments....

  8. They don't need my name to count the population.

    They already have your name.....and your number. You are number :bigfinger: to them.

    Mine showed today, I opened, saw how long the form is, set it back down. I suppose I should look at it and see what it say? :dunno:

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