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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Marketing... In marketing, repetition is king. Rep worthy but... see below.... You just had to go THERE didn't you?
  2. Having the cars and bikes is not a BAD thing by any means. That shouldn't even be a consideration for a woman when looking for a guy. But, the way things are, people are judged by others, and by WHAT THEY HAVE, not WHO THEY ARE. It sounds to me like you're both a decent guy, AND have lot's of cool stuff.
  3. I have it, don't use it. Any suggestions?
  4. Another sign of the times..... Everything is about what you have, not who you are. I don't have a lot, but it's more than I NEED, so I'm happy with it. The relationships I have with the people in my life mean more than all the stuff I have. As long as I have a roof over my head, heat, lights, transportation, and a bike, I'm ok. I have to send out props to you for having everything paid off though, that's the way to have it! It sounds like you're a pretty smart guy, you'll get the woman situation figured out (as much as it can be figured out, that is!)
  5. Uh, rep is gone man.... YOU should know that! It's so much fun just making comments about rep being gone!!
  6. Tis slightly illegal! I bet it's HILARIOUS though! Last year at the local fair's rough truck contest, on of the trucks had a train horn in it. Talk about unexpected! There aren't any RR tracks within probably 20 miles or so from there!
  7. Words to live by. Even if you don't believe in God, or the Bible, this is very true. Most people believe that we have all these freedoms that are talked about in the Constitution, then the bitch and moan about how much debt they have. People are turning themselves into slaves, and the rulers are the creditors. This is not to say that ALL debt is bad, there are some things that would be nearly impossible to have without credit and getting a loan, such as a house. CARS DO NOT FIT HERE. Get over yourself! You don't NEED that new H2. So many have no concept of NEEDS vs. WANTS.
  8. Oh, no no no... Your WIN! I saw it HERE first!
  9. I thought that was an oxymoron? I bet you were going and wiping afterward...
  10. That was just on the news, channel 4 in central Ohio....
  11. Let me correct myslef, very few have pointed out the issues....
  12. Not much attention? Only because nobody has pointed out the issues in it to them. They see it as a way to stop street racing. I don't think it will make things much different than they are, but it is a ridiculous piece of work, and doesn't make things specific enough in regards of rapid acceleration, etc...
  13. We're not going to discuss some of the work incidents I've witnessed, or may not have been a part of....
  14. It's CHINA man, just about everything here IS from over there...
  15. I'm not gonna make that a VOW, because there could be 3 ft of snow on the roads.... I'm not THAT stoopid....
  16. It's only been a year...(as of yesterday)
  17. That just doesn't sound good to be posting HERE.....
  18. That's rep worthy right there! But well.....you know.... He WASN'T thinkin! Duh!!! After all the jabs we've been takin at ya on this one, I still hope you get healed up soon!
  19. Female, correct, understandable??? Questionable at best.....
  20. It meant more than all the rep in the world! (nopt really, just trying to convince myself....)
  21. Awww.... Thanks for the compliment!
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