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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Happy 24th birthday! (Did I guess it right?)
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fischer_Motor_Company If you like to rely on wikipedia, anyway.
  3. No, TD isn't enough of a to be a mod-czar.
  4. I have experience with the grease trick, but it was on tool box drawer handles. That own't work so well now that we all wear gloves at work. The candle wax drain pulg would be for the REALLY pissed.
  5. Rooster's > Hooter's....BY FAR. Even with that one brain cell they share, they're way up on Hooter's girls.
  6. I don't know if our aftermarket scan tool can do any of that or not. You're all the way up north anyway.
  7. I'm not a VW tech, but we see quite a few of them at our shop. Unfortunately, not many newer ones. Throw your question out, I can see if I have any info available though.
  8. Crap, hesitate to reply, and KK sneaks in on you
  9. Enhanced for your pleasure....
  10. Those are cool! Many sets come with a nice microphone for you to sing along with the radio!
  11. They're just TRYING to be cool like other states that have such "scenic" plates. I don't like it at all. I still have the old gold ones on the Camaro, and I have the bicentennials on the Intrepid, which I think I like the most, then the RWB on the rest.
  12. From what I've seen about the situation (very little, just a few posts in other threads) it might not be a good thing to be posting about, even from the person supposedly "involved" in the situation.
  13. Gotta be lightning fast, or you don't get to see before certain things get deleted....
  14. Nah, I don't think I have that going on.... Not even like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKB7vAFTdA8
  15. Exactly! Like Brad Paisley sings, "the more run my name down the more my price goes up!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9mpDAJOPac
  16. Get back to your sheep, you're starting to turn BOTH of you!
  17. Enhanced for your pleasure.....
  18. That's my tired old line....
  19. What are you guys doing? Shouldn't all of you still be out drinking? I guess nobody's going to be "drunk-posting" tonight?
  20. Ouch? Yes, but he's right. I've seen MANY threads about it from back before it even got close to being cold.
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