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Posts posted by jporter12

  1. i agree, i have to eat extremely light. I have to be at work by 7. So i get up at 545 make my coffee, get dressed. and then leave by 630.

    THAT SUX!!! I have a tough time with getting going before 8am!

    So i am going to be running after work. Three days a week. On the days I am not running, when I get home i will be doing a series of sit ups and push ups, and maybe alittle rope jumping.

    Sounds about like what I should be doing. I may have to copycat!

  2. i didn't think katanas HAD rev limiters... must have been an upgrade on the 'newest' generation.

    my 500 isn't quite as old, but it does fine at and above 70mph. Realistically, it maxes out about 115mph in 5th gear. 6th just achieves the same speed at a lower RPM (unless you're going down hill, and have a tail wind). You guys with inline 4's in your street bikes are just spoiled :p

    Sounds about like my Interceptor, although I haven't had the urge, or need to run it up that fast. I'm not that comfortable with the brakes and suspension, so 85 or so is enough for me.

  3. Teaching me to hate them and switching channels everytime that 900 riding ho comes on

    TV is not going to make me want to do business with them EVER.

    It's still brand recognition. I'm willing to bet that you are in the minority on this, and I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I am also annoyed by the commercials, especially the repetition, but repetition is KING in advertising and marketing!

    I can't say 100%, but their marketing is aa big part of what made me quote my insurance with them.

  4. This and that fugly chick on TV 24/7 is why Progressive is so expensive.

    :eek: Come on now, Flo is HOT! :lol: Ya know, with her tricked out name tag and all.

    It's all about marketing man, it obviously made you remember Progressive, even if you have a negative view of them. They ALL spend money on marketing, just some are more creative and noticeable.

  5. I think you should buy the G35. It's clearly the smart move. Paying interest on a loan for a car that will only be worth less and less as time goes by is The American Dream realized.

    Ah, yes. The American Dream. I debt up to your ears, and living from paycheck to paycheck to make the payments. NOT for me anymore!

  6. Its a horrible idea for the new LTs to turn it down. Its practically free money, thats why so many people use it to buy a new car.

    If I was flyboy, Id get a new bike...esp right now since prices are CHEAP! Duc 848 sure would be nice!

    At that rate, I'd put it into something that would MAKE money with it, not a car or bike that will LOSE value. Just my opinion though, and we all know how THOSE are!

  7. FYI to everyone not familiar with the USAA cadet loans. Those of us that just commissioned are allowed the opportunity to pick up a $20k-$30k loan with 2% fixed interest paid over 4 yrs. If youre not an idiot, youd take the loan since most savings accounts offer a higher interest rate.

    WOW! It's a bad idea to invest borrowed money, but at that rate, I don't know that you could turn that much down, when you can pay for the interest by simply putting the money in a savings account, not to mention a decent performing mutual fund....

  8. Typical car repairs for a year, around $1000-1500. Compare that to a car payment. The money you save vs. a car payment and you could have a better car next year with the money you save.

    Why spend money you don't have, to buy things you don't need, to impress people you don't like?

  9. Wow! Lot's of good info here! I've never been a runner, actually hating it. After reading through this thread, and about the c25k plan, I might actually give it a try! I think what I've always hated was the pain I would suffer from trying. I am out of shape, pretty much always have been, and realize I NEED to do something. I think I'm going to download the podrunner intervals and give it a try. The doc says I need to do something, my cholesterol is a little high, and this can't hurt!

    I guess I've just been looking for a little guidance, and the c25k sounds like what I need.

    Wish me luck!

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