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Posts posted by jporter12

  1. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22425001/vp/34111253#34111253

    "concerned about the health of kids of color" :lol: :lol: :lol: sorry white people they dont really care about u

    Are you over 30? http://www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/

    So, I'm in the overweight category, by .1. Nice. I guess my cholesterol level agrees with that! The doc said I need to get off my lazy ass and exercise an hour a day, 5 days a week. That's been over a month ago, and I haven't hit an hour yet! :eek:

    Seriously, does anybody have any ideas on how to get me motivated, and what sort of stuff to do to get me started?

    I think we ALL need to be more concerned with our OWN health, but not FORCED to do so.

  2. I've decided to say "fuck it" to the bolt in there. The head is sealed for now and I'm piecing together the components for LQ4 truck heads with ARP bolts and studs, etc. Low compression sounds like fun for $400 total for the head package.

    If it's only one bolt, it will probably seal, and last for a while. I think the last 6.0 I did, and didn't get the bolt out (one of the few that it hard to get to for drilling) and it was quiet for quite some time. It may still be ok, we haven't seen the truck in a while, but should be soon, with plowing season coming up....

  3. I don't really like having to go through the CCW permitting process to exercise our rights. On the flip side, should any nutjob be allowed to openly carry a weapon? That is why many SMART LEO's MAY simply question somone openly carrying, unless they're being a retard about it, and flaunting the weapon. If everyone was to OC, it would be commonplace, and this discussion would not be happening.

    I guess what it all boils down to is the FEAR that anti-gun groups have instilled in the general public. I'm sure you've heard and probably said this one before (many times): Guns don't kill people, PEOPLE kill people. The gun is just the tool they used to do it. Maybe carpenters and framers shouldn't carry their hammers on their belt anymore, as a hammer could easily kill someone, with a person on the handle end of it...

  4. Say you worked for a small business owned by a good friend, such as I do. They find out that it's more to insure a smoker, so they ask you to make up the difference in insurance costs between smoker and non smoker, or get coverage elsewhere. What would you do in that situation? We don't have that happening, and it hasn't been that way in the past with smokers, and not even sure if it would come into play, just throwing it out there as a "whatif".

  5. If you come to work hungover and it is detrimental to your work performance, then OK, but for smoking on your own time??? Really??

    Fuckin sheep.

    Detrimental to your health insurance costs. Directly affecting the company.

    Again, it was only for new hires, they knew the policy going into the job. If you agree to it, abide by, if not, go elswhere seeking employment.

  6. Exactly how is what I do LEGALLY on my own time your business? Thats ridiculous.

    Just another freedom taken away.........

    Chip away hippies, chip away.

    Nope, it's not a freedom taken away. You still have the freedom to find employment elsewhere. It's not like they were the only company in the area that was hiring, and while they were at one time, they weren't the highest paying, either.

    I personally know several people that worked there that continued to smoke on their own time. They wouldn't do so around people from work that they didn't KNOW wouldn't rat them out.

    How is something that you do on your own time any of the company's business? If it affects them, it becomse their business. You go out drinking the night before work, it affects them because you are probably hungover and not able to perform your duties. I was spared the wrath of the firing hammer for doing so, once. Never did it again, or at least built up my tolerance to where it didn't affect my work performance.

  7. Wow, it really doesn't get any better than this. Buddy wrenching on the top of the car broke an exhaust manifold bolt off in the head. Now I have to lift the head to get it out. :cry:

    I've seen quite a few trucks do that on their own (corrosion, had 6.0l in them.) Fortunately, most of them you can get to with a drill to get them out. If there's any bolt left sticking above the head surface, we've had a lot of luck with welding a nut onto it and backing it out (with the manifold off, of course.)

    Even worse about this are the Ford trucks. MANY 5.4's and v-10's that we've seen have that problem.

  8. Kind of related, the company I used to work for (before they moved everything to Mexico, thanks Bush1, and CLinton for NAFTA) had a policy that they only hired non-smokers. They didn't test for it, but had the right to fire someone if they later found out that they smoke. People that were employed before this policy were grandfathered, of course. It wasn't a problem for me, since I didn't smoke, and I'm going to guess that it helped with insurance costs not being passed on to me. They later removed this policy, after a couple insurance company changes, and it's amazing how many people just started smoking! :lol:

  9. Ohio doesn't have registration. That "first registration" is a record of sale. Registration is much different. Records of sale stay with the FFL indefinitely. Once that FFL discontinues the records move to the successor or' date=' if there isn't one, to the Ohio State Attorney General. Except in rare instances this record doesn't go to the federal level.[/quote']

    Thanks for the info, something I didn't know.

  10. It's not illegal to own more than one gun. It is illegal to vote more than once. There's a difference.

    And don't forget you have to be here legally in order to vote. Also' date=' registering to vote is to know WHERE to vote, and what you'll be voting for or against.

    All it does is cause law abiding citizens added stress of wondering if the long arm they don't intend to kill anyone with at any time is loaded or not. Just like some of the people in this thread asking questions about the specifics of the law. Trying to make sure you understand 100% so you don't accidentally break the law is reason enough to prove that the law is counterproductive.


  11. +1.. save for the registration part. I don't support any gun registration for the same reasons I don't support "carry registration". That' date=' and it's none of anybody's business how many, what kind, where at.... etc.[/quote']

    Not saying that I support registration, as it has just been the beginning, first registration, then fees just to exercise the right to carry, what next?

  12. That is worth saying again:

    The fact that we have to pay a fee to exercise our constitutional rights as Ohioans pisses me off enough. It does nothing to prevent unlawful concealed carry by felons and only inconveniences the good guys

    SPOT ON!!

    That's pretty much my thoughts on ANY gun control crap. It's not the law-abiding citizens that will LAWFULLY own guns, and register them that need to be worried about, it's the criminals that have guns that nobody WILL know about that we need to worry about. It would be the same story (maybe even worse) if a gun ban was to occur.

  13. i think it's a right that should be exercised more frequently. that said, i don't want to be hassled by the police for doing so... time is short, and I don't feel like taking some tard city to court cause they don't know the law and they harass me. and so, I CC instead of OC.

    That said, if someone wants to put together a OR OC get together during the winter some time, I'd be happy to participate. Just make sure we let the local PD know what we're doing so it increases their awareness as well as the public's awareness.


    Spot on there jbot.

  14. We had one that got torched off not long ago, on a Jeep. It was cheaper to cut it out and replace the wheel with a used one than to go through the labor involved with pulling it all apart to get at it from the back, or drilling. That stuff takes some time, and a wheel for it was cheap.

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