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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. We had one that got torched off not long ago, on a Jeep. It was cheaper to cut it out and replace the wheel with a used one than to go through the labor involved with pulling it all apart to get at it from the back, or drilling. That stuff takes some time, and a wheel for it was cheap.
  2. THat just means that there weren't any Katana's in your group...
  3. I'm not so sure I want to meet up with you for food anytime...
  4. That's why I thought adding in another front stop that's removable (that way it can still haul longer bikes easily) maybe combined with additional tie-downs. My opinion is to make the loading positions as flexible as possible, possibly helping resale values if you decide to sell it down the road sometime.
  5. How about putting in a removable piece, that installs with a locking pin, or bolts in with stainless bolts? Maybe even a second set of tie-down points, depending on where the bike ends up being on the trailer, for proper distribution of weight on the trailer axle vs. tongue weight. rr dude should be able to hook you up, I think he knows about all this stuff...
  6. I've heard this guy does ok metal work/fabrication.....
  7. From what I've read, that second gear problem is common on those, not sure what the fix is though. Although, second gear is the most likely to fail on MOST bikes. Looks like a killer deal, that shouldn't last long, if it's in any kind of decent shape....
  8. I think I just got a veto on the idea to go for a ride...
  9. So it's on the poser squids that quit riding below70, then. The hardcore squids get worse below 70.
  10. Well, anything over about an hour and a half is out for me. Have to be back home around 2:30-ish. Looks like a solo run.
  11. Sounds good and all, but I have to be home by before 4 to go to an early turkey day dinner. Mmmm... The wife's grandma makes some killer noodles, cannot miss that! I'm gonna see if I can get out sometime around 1:00, I'll check back here just before, and see what people are doing. If noting works out, I'll head out on my own! Probably be the last chance I get fot the year!
  12. Oh wow! I just about fell over laughing!!! Back OT, I thought the squids quit riding when the temperature got below 70??
  13. Fixed! Sorry sam, had to do it! LOL I know what you mean about a few idiots that make people think all sportbike riders are squidly... It pisses me off to no end!!!
  14. No, what I do is pull up babel fish to translate it "hillbilly" to english!
  15. Time for another trip to Iron Pony! They had a few that would work really well for you when I got my Fieldsheer Roll bag. They didn't have anything that would hold my 17" laptop very well though, and I decided that I really didn't NEED one to hold my laptop, since I have a bag for it anyway, and i just put it under the cargo net. Ffrom what I remember, you'll be looking in the $60-80 range. I know they have some that will fit your laptop, and then some, though.
  16. THAT's the way to do it! Boats can be a lot of fun....on someone elses dime! It's nice that it's a piece from the family, also! That adds to the cool fator for you, I would think.
  17. Jcroz.... You might want to notice all the USEFUL help that's being spewed in this thread, compared to the smartass comment and slams. Some of us pretty much ALWAYS smart off in threads, just to mess with certain others (we know who we are, no need to call us out here). I just wanted to point this out, so that you understand how Ohio-riders is, and how we work!
  18. The -1 on the front is usually the easiest to do, and offers the most difference. It's simple math, ratios. Might want too try that first on your trashed chain, just to see if that's what you want. That way, if you decide you want more, you can get a +2 for the rear, and right chain. If your chain is as rough as you make it sound, I wouldn't run it much longer than just enough to tell if the -1 front is enough. Changing both sprockets and the chain all at once is the best. However, it's likely that the front sprocket is trashed, and the rear still in very usable condition, making it less necessary to change the rear. Steel vs. aluminum...... Full aluminum sprockets have there place, and it not on a bike that's rode hard on the street. On the track, things are much different, and one would expect to replace parts more often, so why not go with something lighter..... I do like those sweet looking aluminum hub, steel outer, sprockets! They even look "blingy" if that's what matters to you.
  19. We're in the nothern hemishphere, you go NORTH for better skiing conditions, unless they maintain the place poorly, chances are good that you have it better up there. Boats are money pits. It's fun to go out on one that belongs to someone else though!
  20. Yeah, I've seen a quote about flying chicken nuggets around here....
  21. Ok, I got some of the damn flying monkey's. The boys ought to have fun with them!
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