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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Uhh.. Sounds like time to get a new job, someone fired, or a P.I. and a lawyer.
  2. I've heard something about that... Seriously though, I wouldn't turn down a Duc, but Woot is higher on my priorities right now (even though I haven't bought anything from them for a long time!) Looks like a LONG time before I get a newer bike anyway....
  3. He's been found out! Or at least he's figured out that he's fuxxored!!!!! EPIC FAIL! For someone that "HAS" so much, he ain't got shit!
  4. We could use that blender! We don't have one, and I want to start making my own smoothies. Not to mention, the food processor side of it.....
  5. We had one of Lincolns robotic deals where I used to work (before they shipped everything to Mexico, thanks G.H.W.Bush, and Clinton for NAFTA) Sweet setup, but our parts weren't consistant enough for it to work well enough for production. That robot got moved to a couple areas, trying to do different things with it, but never made it to production, due to a lack of time and experience with robots. It seems like everything they wanted a robot to do was virtually impossible to do. Very fun to work with though!
  6. You can count? When did you acquire this skill?
  7. Thanks.......For KILLING my day....
  8. Since I've posted in this thread.... Thanks! (and )
  9. It sounds like the OP has his head on straight, and enjoys SERVING as can be noted by his current employment. The military has many ways to do this, and many ways to learn a skill set, or a trade, and even to go to college. Or, do the college first, go in to be an officer. At this point in your life, the possibilities are endless! I don't have as many of those options, due to age, life experiences, and having a family. Do the exciting things now, earn a really good living and SAVE MONEY like there's no tomorrow, then later do what you want, and you'll be set! If I had it all to do again, I would have been MUCH more responsible with the money I earned, saving it, and investing in something other than my beer gut, and high cholesterol! Don't let your youth be wasted, and later say that youth is WASTED on the young!
  10. I wish I knew then what I know now (duh) about the military, and life in general. I MAY have done things differently. I don't regret my life, but I do see how I could've made some better choices. I may not be where I am today though, so as I said, no regrets.
  11. Just as an example of how helpful people on Ohio-riders are would be in this thread: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=38365 Any questions?
  12. Got a sub a few months ago on the cheap cheap cheap. Haven't read all of them though
  13. I'd LOVE to be good enough with photography to earn a living with it! I guess the only way to get better would be to practice!
  14. You DO need to like your job, as well. It sounds like you work with people fairly well, so Law Enforcement, Fire/EMS, or some other sort of public service sounds like a good thing for you to look into. Firefighters have a nice schedule, and many work nearly full time hours on their off days. You are young enough that you can try out a few jobs, and see what you like!
  15. Hmm... Where did the terrorists come from that carried out the 9/11/2001 attacks on American soil? From what I've been told, they weren't from the USA!!!!
  16. jporter12

    RIP Miley

    Loks like it's all your's to keep to yourself, then Chevy..... Just don't tell use about how much you like it later on....
  17. No, no need to explain. Some people just don't get it.
  18. jporter12

    RIP Miley

    Not at all! The two of you can keep using it on each other, I want no part in that....
  19. Are you kidding me? Wow man. Just wow. I'm now speechless. No comedy to throw out, or anything...... Wow!...
  20. Pink. Titty pink.... Seriously though, even in Ohio, on a sunny day you'll probably want a lighter color scheme, it may not make a huge difference, but every effort to keep cooler helps...
  21. Where is the option for "squid" in the poll?
  22. Here's for the Nascar comments: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JevDW11ZrF4
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