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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Yeah, that makes life tough. I'm looking for "dumb down" stuff, unskilled stuff for part-time right now. I'll let ya know if I hear of anything....
  2. But I THOUGHT of it first...... Maybe? LOL I think I had seen you post that before, so figured Id' ruffle your feathers a bit. Maybe I should put in an app and see if I can beat you out? Seriously though, good luck! I don't think I'm applying there anyway, I woudl just be spending the money right back there, if I did! I doubt the hours would work out for me, since I'm NOT giving up my current job!
  3. Gotcha. Probably have to wait until they get stock to get any sort of deal....
  4. Quit taking my ideas! I'm looking for a part time job to supplement my current income, and the wife mentioned the pony......
  5. At kroger.com there are a couple other options, the DC in Delaware, or Tamarack Dairy in Newark, which must be owned by Kroger now....
  6. The only reasons I didn't refer to your post there are that it's seasonal, and quite a haul from here, although it's better than nuffin! I'm considering it, myself!
  7. Moto Guzzo in the future, since they're under the same parent company? I'm not particularly interested in them right now, just a curiosity thing....
  8. jmc, if you're still looking for a job, I hear that Kroger is going to be doing some more hiring soon, just head over to Kroger.com and fill out the online app. The new store address is 800 W. Coshocton, but I would think it would work even if you used the old one? I'm not sure what positions they're hiring for, just that they will be. There are all sorts of other places in the columbus area that are hiring, some are seasonal, others not. If someone wants a job, they ARE out there! I'm looking for something part time, to supplement my regular job, to try to climb out of the money hole we're in!
  9. Even after the explaination.... Maybe we should start a thread of some of the dumb stuff we've done?
  10. Need some duct tape to hold all the filling in your head?
  11. That's not surprising! MANY have been confised by this thread!
  12. I don't see much reason for the thread to be closed, other than I don't think it's really out of control. It's one of those that should die a slow, natural death....
  13. I've only been to Show Trails, and was told it was better It has been a LONG time, like over 10 years ago. That's another reason to NOT go, the older I get, the more it hurts when I fall down and go boom!
  14. $143.50 a month for the cars, 100/300/50, Uninsured motorist, $250 deductible. I pay that per month, year round. The bike is a one time a year thing, I think.
  15. I had fun the last time I went skiing (LONG time ago) but I never really "got it" and I don't like the cold. The falling on my ass wasn't such a big deal, it was the being COLD and fallin gon my ass.... Hmm... Maybe wear full bike riding gear? I want pics of someone going down the hills in full leathers!! If they do group rates (pretty sure they do) maybe someone could get an OR group package, or something??
  16. Just curious, and not at all bashing, or anything, but how much do ride the Kawi now that you got the Hon-duh??
  17. Sounds like a fun time, but I've learned that the top of a snow covered hill is no place I want to be. Now the lodge at the bottom.... Different story!
  18. I only carry liability on the bikes, $90 a year for each, which is the base rate through Progressive. The cars are pretty cheap to insure, also, but a LOT more, full coverage on both, Wife has 1 not-at-fault, my record is clean (now!) and it's like $140 a month, on the Malibu and Intrepid. I guess being old is getting me somewhere...
  19. Ask and you shall receive! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79qTR4as-cQ
  20. Because he's 19! The responsibilty factor is low, the risk factor is high! Plain and simple! Even with a clean record, the insurance companies know that this sort of vehicle in the hands of someone irresponsible is a high risk.
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