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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Uh oh. Something does not sound right. Taking bolts out of the tank should not cause fuel to leak out, unless you unbolt the fuel valve!
  2. There's also fredmiranda.com which has an excellent buy/sell forum.
  3. Yes, the 50 f/1.8 is a MUST! I have an older mkI metal mount version, and it is by far my favorite lens! Unfortunately, it's not my most used, as the focal length isn't always ideal, but I LOVE the performance of it! I just need to USE my camera more, and I probably would get better!
  4. photography-on-the.net/forum is one of the most valuable resources I've ever used. The last few times that I've been on there the number of posts has been a bit overwhelming though. There are some really awesome faqs that ate of great help. P.s. Even though it's geared toward Canon users, most of the info is universal.
  5. It doesn't work that way. You get the best that your tire and wheel combo has to offer, and that's it. Most GM dealers have them, just not all GM dealers will work on anything that comes through the door.
  6. Heat dissipation is a factor so I'm guessing they go at one end of the stack. I would guess they would go to the outside of the pack, but n it sure on it.
  7. Well, that decides the route that I'll be taking up to Canton for training near the end of April!
  8. I know exactly what you mean! I lost my mom about 15 years ago. She died in September, but it always hits me on her birthday, St. Patrick's day. She would have been 61 this year. It all hit me pretty hard this year, and I had a day and a half of feeling almost numb with the emotional pain of it all. Making matters even worse, I was saddened by the realization of the fact that she will not get to meet her grandchildren, the oldest turned 4 in February. I really try hard to not let it get me down so much, and the past few years I have managed it pretty well, but this year I lost it. I try to hold it together so hard, because my wife's birthday is 3-18, and my step-mom's birthday is 3-15. The good thing out of it is that when I finally bounced back, it has been REALLY good! I'm worn out physically from a lack of sleep, and a shit-ton of work and preparing to go out of town for a few days this weekend, by with the other stuff going on, I have been feeling really good! All I have to offer you guys is prayers for comfort. They say it get's easier, that time heals all wounds. I disagree. Time only pushes the wounds back out of sight. When they do pop back up, look out, it's pretty tough.
  9. Tailgate assist... That's right... I forgot that you city folk need stuff like that.
  10. Do like your dad and run with the tailgate open!
  11. Wow. ZX-12R sleeper? Those things are pretty bad in stock trim!
  12. So tempted to show you some rep for this (negative that is.) My EVO LTE got JB a LONG time ago. I noticed VERY little different. For those of us that have Sprint, Foxfi does not work any more. They figured out how to block it. I've kept my phone stock - no root since I got it (shortly after it came out) but I'm seriously thinking about doing it now. I actually tried the Sprint Hotspot app, but it doesn't seem to work well. Off to xda-delvelopers I go!
  13. Then don't watch it when it does.
  14. So, my wife being 7 years younger than me could be a bad idea?
  15. I sincerely hope that all of you have the same fortune with your kids that we did with my 2. They were sleeping through the night VERY early, as in withing the first couple months! Being a father is awesome! Enjoy it! My son is 4, and it seems like the time has flown by, and that he is growing up too fast!
  16. How did I miss this and just now read it? I'm slacking on OR lately... +rep Fixed. I would not bet on that. He's moved on from motorcycles. This. I sometimes have to yell for them to get their attention when I get in, but their hugs when I get home, my baby girl's smile in the morning (my son is just as grumpy as me in the morning, so I'm not counting that one) and even the times of their worst behavior is something that I wouldn't trade the world for. Even the step kids are great! Seriously, I am sure that you and Carrie will make awesome parents! Well, maybe 85% sure!
  17. Good point. Our dog (which I despise most of the time) is pretty good most of the time, but she will seek out food, including a garbage bag that is set to go out. Now our cats will NOT get on the counters. I'm very sure of this, I have set them up by leaving food out, and they don't take the bait. Funny thing about our dog/cat situation... My cat (average size) will beat up on the dog 92-3 times his size!) It's effin hilarious, and this single ting offsets any of the downsides to having the cat indoors! Duh! This thread was started as a cover of his being ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLyiKeCLBf4
  18. That's the same with mine! Although they've only been moved twice! I also have a pictus cat that has been through 3 (or 4?) tanks and about 5 (maybe 6?) moves! That dude is never gonna die at this rate! Seriously, this fish HAS to be anearing the end, it must be about 15 years old! Yeah, but I like that decorations that move! The kids also like watching them... sometimes.
  19. I will mention this. They may not be interested in travelling to Columbus to get them though. Side note: I have a couple angels that are probably 6 or 7 years old, by guesstimate. I'll have to see what the normal lifespan of them is.
  20. Do you still have angels multiplying? Someone in a local fish keepers trading group that I'm in on FB is looking for some angels.
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