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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. Yeah, that cop was. Why should he pull someone over for breaking the law?
  2. http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=75277
  3. I'd have to agree, pay it and move on. The potential for it going bad against you is too high, considering you've already been given a break on it!
  4. Hmm... I'm a maybe on this one!
  5. Imagine that, a TV show on NBC, by NBC is liberal... I barely even realized that the show was still on the air! I can't remember the last time I watched it all the way through...
  6. You need a Honda Dream, with a 305! Awesome old bikes!
  7. Ya know, once in a while something in a song, or movie will set me off crying over the loss of my mom. It's almost totally random even. I was close to tears at work the other day because of a song that was playing on the radio, a song that I've heard hundreds of times in the past several years (my mom was gone long before the song came out) but for some reason that time it got to me. My advice is to let it out and to try not to keep it in if possible.
  8. I think these drugs may be the start of the zombie apocalypse after hear a little about them, flesh rotting and all...
  9. Yeah, quality stuff, a little cheaper than off the tool truck on some things, really good deals on others. Even if it's not much cheaper than off the truck (not trying to price police, any savings is better than paying full price) most of it is lifetime warranty, just have them replace anything that's "worn out" or "broken" and you have a new set! I'm sure it all LBTS. GLWS!
  10. WOW! You really ARE a nerd!
  11. He's a dog whisperer, so he doesn't really count. Seriously, when he mentioned going into law enforcement I asked if he was planning to be a K-9 cop one day!
  12. A bit off topic here, but insurance companies don't trust math. My wife was in a wreck (not her fault) and after I switched her on to my policy after we got married, that caught up with us and increased our rates for a little while. They figure that if you've been in a wreck recently that you are more of a risk to have covered. Most of the times I've been in wrecks, I wasn't allowed to drive again for 90+ days! I got my wrecks over with while I was still a minor, and they took my license for 90 days the first time, then a year the next. Later on in my life, I had one while beyond drunk (not going into details) and drove a couple days after that back to work. I think I took the weekend to decompress, IIRC. I can imagine that having gone through this, you will probably be a bit more "paranoid" and watch out for others more while you're on the bike, which is not a bad thing!
  13. That's why the brisket has to be "fall apart" done. Once it cooks in the chili, it falls apart into pieces and other than the flavor, you might miss it being in there! Of course with the brisket I made it wasn't quite THAT good, but it was good enough for the trophy! That's how I like to make mine, but rarely do I get to make it that spicy. It's usually just a little warm, which to me, I can't even tell that it's hot. I think for the next chili that I make, I'm going to smoke the peppers that I use in it, along with smoking another brisket.
  14. I totally didn't plan for this, as I thought it was NEXT week! Ugh. I'm just not riding that much this year, not sure why! Glad to hear the ride went pretty well! Hopefully next month will be a go, and I can make it!
  15. Stick a fork in it, it's done!
  16. jporter12

    iPhone 5

    I'll explain it to you in one word: MARKETING Another Kawikid? One thing that bothers me is that SO MANY people confuse the issues with the Droid branded Android phone with being an Android issue. I have heard about lots of issues with the Droid branded phones, which have proven to be less than stellar when it comes to reliability. My last 2 and my current phone have been HTC phones running Android and have been very reliable. This can be backed up by low numbers of complaints from others about the same models of phones. /rant
  17. I looked into it, the one I carry is a Leek, with Snap-on branding. I've seen the leek for much less than the MSRP that I paid for mine, AFTER I bought mine.
  18. I like Kershaw knives. I have a Snap-on branded one (I forget the regular Kershaw equivalent) with speed assist and I love it! I was thinking about this one on woot, but I really would rather have the assist.
  19. This is about like the Obama quotes debate. Obama says something stupid, all of a sudden it was "taken out of context" when he's just an idiot for saying things the way he does.
  20. Same here. I don't think I've had the first problem with my EVO LTE. Why is Apple so protective of it's patents (is the stuff in that article above true?) Is it afraid of the competition? Meh, it IS just a phone. A VERY sophisticated phone, but yes, a phone none the less.
  21. Yeah, I'm not about to try chili going over a fire for as long as I cook it! I cook my chili for 8-10+ hours! Hamburger? For chili? Are you out of your mind? Ugh... I thought this was a bbq thread? Brisket, pulled pork, etc... are MUCH better for chili! I use brisket, hence the task of trying to smoke my own brisket. My sweet 4 bean brisket chili is now award winning chili! I won the cookoff that I entered this past weekend, and have the trophy to prove it. I'm just too lazy to post pics of it.
  22. I'm pretty sure that 9 inches center to center was the spec. I can't remember where I even found it listed, I think it might be a Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard specification, not specified on the Ohio Revised Code. I looker through the ORC and found nothing, so it must have been the FMVSS. I doubt that many LEO's know the spec, or even care to know it.
  23. I know a guy that can ride wheelies for miles, and pretty much all of this applies. He 12 o'clocked it hard once, and got hurt pretty badly (before I knew him) so yeah, all the above!
  24. "Their brand" is not made by them, they are relabeled/repackaged from a handful of manufacturers. Some of them are really good brake pads, others are just so/so. One thing I go by is if it's not tough (sometimes they even put it on the box) to find out who makes the pads, (and the maker is reputable) I'll buy them. I can sometimes tell by the part numbering who made them!
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