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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. I don't remember them bring that much different looking. Maybe I'll load up vista in a VM and take a look-see, just to refresh my memory. Personally, I had very little trouble with Vista, but 7 does seem to have much better performance.
  2. Windows ME=worst ever. Vista was just ok. 7 is what vista should have been, and visually not much different than Vista. I'm running Windows 8 consumer preview (or whatever they called it) on my desktop PC (the main PC that I use) and it's "ok" but I'm probably going to go back to 7. It works ok, but it's just tedious to get around, switching back and forth between the start screen and the desktop. Closing programs started from the start screen also shut down differently, no red "X" to use. Most of what I've been using this computer for lately is just web browsing, so it's really not much of an issue. One caution that I will give is the way you login to the computer. If you use the default login using you microsoft account (my good old Hotmail) you could EASILY be locked out of the computer! Somehow, my password quit working, and I could not login until I used another computer to fix my hotmail password. Right away I figured out that I needed to use a local account, not really realizing what I had done by using the MS account to login.
  3. Never had NOS, but I also have all but stopped caffeine intake. I have 1-2 12oz cans of caffeinated sodas a week at most. Caffeine causes my heartburn to be worse. Can't argue with you there! Weak ankles and you still run? Who will you sue when your ankles give out? Cite some reliable sources please? We have a kid that is a little ADHD that might be able to benefit from this. I have heard that caffeine can be the cause of ADHD, especially if the mother drinks caffeine during pregnancy. This is a topic that I'll have to look into some more. Ah, yeah. They had that stuff at CompUSA stores before they closed and sold out to Tiger. Didn't Microcenter have it when they bought up some of CompUSA's liquidated stock? Nice one! +rep coming your way!
  4. Posts like this one are why it's not such a bad thing to get ideas from the readership of ORDN. Well, MidgetTodd's solid ideas trump all, but that's beside the point. I actually have learned some stuff by reading threads like this, things that I wouldn't have thought of in situations that people have brought up. I don't recommend using this as a way to get a final decision, but as a way to get ideas that you may not have thought about. As for what to do with the house? I would try to get a little more than payoff and pay off the bike, and at least put a dent in the amount owed on the car.
  5. The Canon Rebel line is what I recommend. Buy used. You can upgrade lenses as needed, and they stick around as the camera body is upgraded as well.
  6. Same as on here: jporter12 I play mostly BlackOps, on very randomly. I'm usually playing Hardcore CTF. I plan to get BlackOps 2 not too long after it comes out.
  7. Yeah, my ratio sucks for that same reason! What game would we play though? Still BlackOps, MW3, BlackOps 2 since it's coming out soon?
  8. I have several of their "Free" t-shirts. Most of their current line prices are at or near MSRP. I've bought current stuff and closeout stuff from them, and had great service when I needed it. I know a couple people that used to work there that didn't have the greatest things to say about them, but I doubt either person would tell me to not shop there.
  9. Yeah, I've been on both of those. The FAQ/Wiki on ninja250.org is awesome!
  10. slickdeals.net used to be the place to watch for deals, I haven't been lurking there much for quite a while, though.
  11. I think he was referring to building the firearm. I'm sure that the person with the FFL would be doing so.
  12. MJ's pretty good on Call of Duty, too! I remember a long time ago when we had the CR vs. OR gaming during the winter. That was fun!
  13. I'm a HUGE fan of Toshiba laptops. I've had fewer problems from them than any of the others mentioned. You might check out dell's outlet section on their website. Toshiba has moved all of their outlet stuff to ebay.
  14. I wouldn't hesitate one second to deal with Shawn or Gump, or deal with one in behalf of the other. Both are well known here, and both have met many of the members on here, rode with them, and/or hung out with them.
  15. It's very ironic how my wife's schedule of one Saturday out of 3 has interfered with many of the rides this year, including this one! Wow, I'm going to have to see if I can find a sitter for this one, especially since the route will be coming right past where I live!
  16. This past Saturday, our church put on a men's "top Shot" event. Very fun! They had 5 different stations: Slingshot, Archery (recurve bow), pistol (about 25 yards, .22 pistols), rifle (about 30 or so yards, .22), and clays. I had not tried a slingshot or archery since I was a kid, and never for the clays. All of the weapons and ammo were provided. The first round was teams of 5, everybody shot everything. The second round, each team decided who to send to each station. I did best on the rifle, with 22 out of 25, so that's where I went. The rifle station had a twist, the Mossberg plinkster with a Barska scope was jamming too much, so they switched it to a Walther G22 with open sights! I scored 18, I think it was, which was about a middle score. Nobody shot a 25 all day. The guy running the clays station brought out some really nice shotguns for us to use, and even did some demos for us, he was shooting 3 at a time (all that the gun was setup to hold) and he was even tossing a handful at a time up and picking them off. He had shot competitively, so he was fun to watch! It was all for fun, and the only injury was a guy that's in the Army shooting the G22 (bullpup, setup for right handed) left handed and the charging handle busted him in the mouth! He continued on after clearing the jam, and shot well, but didn't win. Actually a kid in his early teens won the rifle station! I'll post my rifle targets tonight, if I remember.
  17. Nobody posts up these good deals when I have $$$. My timing sucks for deals on OR.
  18. I think this is the first thread in a while where I've agreed with Magz. Welcome to Ohio Riders! Watch out for the :leghump:!
  19. I never got a bike until AFTER I got married and had a kid of my own. Things are different, but I like it. Enjoy your day!
  20. Travel for work, I have been to Indianapolis, Washington D.C., Reynosa Mexico 2 times, I think (stayed in McAllen Tx, drove across in the morning,) Valencia California 3 or 4 times, got paid to sightsee for a day or 2 out there, Ballina Ireland twice, once for 2 weeks, and one week the other time. Then I started bending wrenches and haven't traveled any for work since. My longest commute was probably when I was working for the company that sent me traveling and working bending wrenches at night, I would drive Newark to Whitehall, to Johnstown, back to Newark. That was for a couple years.
  21. Three manufacturers maybe. Just getting one of the three? I doubt it. The manufacturer builds the battery to the specs that the customer provides. How do you think WalMart sells them so cheap? Sure, their volume buying power plays a role, but they also can (not saying they do) specify lower quality components to go into it.
  22. I haven't tried the sport demons but they're supposed to be a bit better than the BT45's from what I read on one of the Ninja 250 forums.
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