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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. So, what was the outcome here? Did you go through with one of them, how was it, etc... I'm super out of shape, never have much energy, always have aching muscles. I need to do something, and my wife said she wants to lose weight, and maybe I can be an example. I have a "copy" of P90X, and I think I can pass the fitness test, so I'm thinking about it...
  2. I've seen that stuff used for quite a bit of stuff before. There's even a member on here with a Busa that's painted with bed liner stuff! (Danballa is his screenname)
  3. Maybe. All I really need is the processor, somehow I have a dead 939 processor. What did you upgrade to? I went to a AMD FX-8120 a while back, with a OCZ 60 GB SSD, 8 GB DDR3. Very fast machine.
  4. Wow! $400 to H&R Block? We pay about $100 to an individual who does it out of her home office (she is definitely certified and trained to prepare taxes) and get our returns back in about a week! For our situation, married filing separate worked out better the past 2 years. It all has to do with the tax laws, and what changes have been made, etc... I'm sure that Exarch already knew that...
  5. You make very little sense, and contradict yourself all the time. No more trying to get you to understand, it's a lost cause because you already know it all!
  6. Exarch, you fail miserably at reading comprehension. Where did I EVER mention an amount that I thought was fair? Please tell me! Would it be fair for the father of a child to make $150,000 a year and only pay $100 a month in support, where if the family was still together MUCH more than $100 a month would be coming out of the fathers pay to go for things that the child needs? I know people on both sides of the equation, and in reality it sucks for them all. Now on the visitation rights stuff, in one of the links that you provided, it states that the CSEA has NOTHING to do with visitation, that is all handled through the courts. Seeing that each case is different, there is not one blanket solution dealing with visitation, support payment amounts, etc... Another friend of mine was dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, was prepared to pay support, visitation, etc... The mother refused any paternity testing, and someone else claimed the child. He got off scott free, even though that's not what he wanted. There will always be a part of him out there that he has nothing to do with, even if he wanted. In my family's situation, I'm very grateful for the support that the stepsons dad pays, and that money is not wasted by any stretch of the imagination, it buys about 75% of the food for the household and the medications that they both have to take. He is not carrying any insurance for them, or anything else. He rarely see them, and is not denied time with them. I'm trying to get to the point where we don't need the support payments, and we can save that money to use for the boys, for their futures, such as college savings, etc... Most of them time that he does see them is when the boys ask, not when he asks. In fact, they ask to see his parents more than they do him. At this point, I probably have more influence on them than anybody, and have had people that have been around them comment on how much better they act since I've been a part of their lives, and I'm sure that their father sees that as well.
  7. What might surprise you is the amount of design and engineering that goes into the airbox to get the proper velocity to make the best power and driveability. It's not always a volume thing!
  8. Your Sumo must be a beast at 450hp, then!
  9. Yeah, your wages are the reason that it costs so much to ship something. (I'm not complaining that YOU make that much, I'm sure you work hard for your pay, I've heard about working for UPS. I'm just not exactly a supporter of unions!)
  10. What is your point with those links? I know how CSEA works. The fact hat you think it is ridiculous for someone to take financial responsibility is what I'm talking about.
  11. Pauly, paging Ducrx Pauly...
  12. Exarch, please stop posting. You show your lack of intelligence in the majority of your posts. If someone is going to "let their boys swim" and hope for the best, then not pay up when they "lose" they need to quit playing the game. I know a guy that pays support for a kid that's not even his! He has to fight the mother to get to see the kid that he considers his son. In my case, the support that my wife gets for my 2 stepsons goes to buy food, and it doesn't even cover that. She and I both work full time jobs, don't spend frivolously, etc... Both of the stepsons are on medication for allergies, asthma, etc, which isn't exactly cheap, even after insurance and drug company coupons. It's tough to raise a family these days.
  13. How about kid sizes? I mean little Ben needs one!
  14. jporter12

    I'm Down

    Good advice. I would def go see more than just the ER doctor.
  15. Wow! Just looked at the pics, that place does look nice!
  16. I need an XL, and a XXL. I had already voted for the XL, but I can't go back and add the XXL.
  17. jporter12

    Web browsers

    Chrome for almost everything. IE9 is pretty good, but I run Folding @home GPU client, and IE9 uses the hardware acceleration, and is slow unless I pause the Folding work, which I then forget to resume when I'm done quite often. At work, we have an older version of IE I believe, it has XP on it. That thing is probably too old and slow for Win7. It's ok, it does what we need it to!
  18. That's how they (LEO's) do it! I wonder if they would have just let him go with a warning if he had his endorsement (and was polite to the officer.)
  19. I don't have a garage to put them in, and I already have 3 vehicles sitting around needing work!
  20. I still don't get why people do this! The visor is there, I'm using it even if I have sunglasses on.
  21. Tempted... (As though I have time and money for another project...)
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