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Everything posted by jporter12

  1. That's the new "Midget Can" for those that think the shorty can is too long.
  2. jporter12

    "Nice bike"

    I get comments on my Interceptor all the time (when I ride it that is) like "wow! I had one of those!" or "I always wanted one of those back in the day!" I even get "nice bike" comments on my BTS, two-toned paint 04 Ninja 250!
  3. WD-40 can also be obtained in non aerosol can for use in spray bottles, oil squirt bottles, etc...
  4. It would probably pass for it with most LEO's, although I'm not sure that it is rated properly for use as eye protection, at least on my HJC. Are there impact standards that eye protection needs to meet? I just don't mess around and keep my visor no more than half open. MOST of the time, a LEO won't bother you for having it flipped open at a stop (I didn't realize that it was required even at a stop until this thread) as long as closing it is a priority when starting to roll again, but that's all dependent on the LEO, and the situation.
  5. Zukis are good for 2 things... Squids, and the track!
  6. So many things that could be said to that...
  7. I know someone that might be able to help you out on all of that, he just opened a shop a earlier this year...
  8. Wow! I think that's the first post I've seen of your's that wasn't 100% douche-bag! We could tell the OP what cities and towns to avoid some of the LEO's that he's been mouthing off to in this thread, but I don't see that happening!
  9. As though you don't have enough going on already...
  10. Isn't it the same for quotation marks, too?
  11. Who me? P.S. The hair is short now...
  12. Pauly sells blow to hookers on his front lawn.
  13. Because signs are always read, and followed... So, if he posts a sign, everyone will follow it. Just like criminal follow CPZ signs, and no carry signs? How about speed limit signs? EVERYONE follows those... If I were to ever OC I don't think I would have an issue of any sort if someone like Tpoppa asked me to conceal my firearm while on their property.
  14. If this job is truly going to be the better job, and one that you will keep over the other, take the hit and call off from the other to take the class. MOST places will understand if you ASK them to head out a little early, say an hour? Have you tried that? Sort of related: In my current job, before I even accepted the job, I had a stipulation that once a week I have to take a 2-2 1/2 hour lunch to take my kid somewhere. It wasn't even a hesitation on their part to say no problem.
  15. "of" and "have" are not synonyms. Grammar still owns you.
  16. The more info you give them up front, the less they have to drag out of you. The more info they have to drag out of you, the more likely they are to be upset, and give you a citation for something!
  17. I don't LIKE their reaction, but it very unrealistic to expect everyone to know all of the firearm laws, especially when talking about people working in a retail establishment that has few requirements for employment. The high school kid ringing your purchase out should know the gun laws?
  18. I have a really good friend whose company does an excellent job that might be interested. I'll PM you with contact info.
  19. Was probably a FMJ, too. That would explain a lot! (Gravedigging is bad... Mmmmkay?)
  20. I like their beer selection!
  21. I wasn't blaming you... I would much rather go to Meijer, especially the one in Westerville!
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