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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Sorry, rounding error. I am not good at math. 28.4K
  2. To be clear, you bought them with 29k and 149k.
  3. No @2talltim helped me. He speaks retard very well.
  4. You could have just called them first and answered the question in one post.
  5. @Casper What is the deadline for us to use the promo code before the Inn releases the rooms to the general public?
  6. That's General FuckYou to you.
  7. Well to be honest, only the Captain part was a secret.
  8. I knew it. Your secret identity is Captain Dumbass.
  9. So you switched from OEM to K&N and now you think we should listen to your opinion of Wix?
  10. Don't listen to these asshats. Get the K&N, it will be the last filter you ever buy!!
  11. Casper, I am so confident that K&N is the right filter for you that I will buy you one.
  12. And it's Lettuce discuss.....
  13. If I had known being there would have ruined your day I totally would have shown up.
  14. That is what you use to wire tie the filter to the bike. Hook a wire to it, pull in the direction of tightening...so it can't get loose. Pointless obviously on a k and n filter.
  15. When the hell is the February meat and great you were going to do. And the March one looks to be in jeopardy too.
  16. Damn it, I don't have a utility knife. Suxs2BMe.
  17. I have to admit, I had a blast watching the race.
  18. Important question. Do you think the interior shape and size is the same as the ones? Can I fit my wife on a one and not hver her hate you when she gets the II from you?
  19. When do you think the new Shoei NeoTech II's will be available?
  20. You need smarter friends. No, I won't be your friend.
  21. If you still have the expired card you can renew with it.
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