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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. No need to stir the pot, you can just do it and not tell anyone. They can not prohibit it, however they can write a new rule that says you have to tell them you are doing it if you bring it up. So if you are going to do it, keep quiet but be aware Ohio is an at will state. So they can fire you for any reason at all. But if they specifically say they are firing you for the gun in your car you will win that lawsuit in a heartbeat. But if they fire you because of the gun, but never mention the gun and say it's because we don't like you...you are SOL.
  2. This guy might have a few laying around.
  3. Well, I guess we have a new winner of the coolest collection of bikes contest.
  4. So someone add some Wu Tang to it for me. TIA
  5. You are correct, but unfortunately OR is infested with iFags.
  6. I have never understood the fear of the freeway for new riders, and to be clear I went through the same thing. Pretty much everyone does. On the street it's the safest and easiest place to ride. No lights, no one turning left in front of you..no one darting in from side streets. Traffic just moves along and is much more predictable.
  7. I am seeing the US being 4 times higher. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate#Australia https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/VC.IHR.PSRC.P5
  8. That is the ultimate plan. Phase two is soon, getting licensed to do this.
  9. Stainless strainer for the corn that fits in the pot. No more messy bags
  10. Santa took our mash making to the next level. Fully enclosed, self circulating. No open flame and indoors! Thanks Santa!
  11. I had to wait, I am making a career move that will dramatically change my income level. It is 100 percent for sure...but still have to wait for it to happen. Adulting is hard.
  12. Happy for you, sad for me.
  13. NinjaDoc, me and my kid. I may be a few minutes late..depends on how the morning moonshine run goes. We got some new mash gear for Xmas we need to try out.
  14. Tonik

    NEO Dinner

    I will be there.
  15. That is also a still, all electric. He bought that after we had the more traditional setup. We were not big fans of it after we got it. But gave it another chance yesterday and used it for the second distilling. It did well, it is growing on us.
  16. Ended up with just under 2 gallons blended and cut to 90 proof. Now we wait.
  17. Our theory is that cutting 180 to 90 isn't 50 percent 180 and 50 percent 0. It's more like 80 percent 180 and 20 percent 0. So we ran the first distill down to 20 proof...and now the second time with the fancy electric one is being more precise.
  18. It hasn't dropped at all, so it still should be the head. But it sure is the biggest head I have ever seen outside if my pants. This is our first time double distilling, so there things at play here we have not figured out.
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