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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. He is suggesting that is the place to buy good tie downs. Try and keep up asshat.
  2. First one is under discussion, probably 1st week in January. Our organizer is in Florida riding his new FZ10. We hate him.
  3. http://abcnews.go.com/International/58-men-cram-motorcycle-india-break-world-records/story?id=51302710
  4. No matter how you look at it, that is bad math.
  5. Apparently both of you do since you are posting in this thread. Would seem I do to.
  6. The question now is, how far should I escalate this.
  7. Josh from former Rep Goodman's office just called me. All of the people I emailed called him. He is still the LA for that district until someone new comes in and maybe fires him. He is working VERY hard to get our bill and some other bills picked up by another Rep. And the Chair of the Committee I went before is working on it also. Josh is still confident, but there will be a bit of a delay before it goes to the Committee for a vote.
  8. I sent him mine, haven't heard a word from him.
  9. I just emailed all the Co-Sponsors asking them to pick the bill up and run with it. You can find all of them here: https://www.legislature.ohio.gov/legislation/legislation-summary?id=GA132-HB-280
  10. Well fuck me. http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ssf/2017/11/ohio_rep_wes_goodman_resigns_o.html#incart_river_home
  11. Pretty common to block traffic from places you don't expect it. It lowers your exposure to the bad guys. I block damn near the whole world at work.
  12. What I want changes neither of those.
  13. More than the guy that made it, and apparently you. That thing will not turn in a parking lot unless one of those two rear wheels is off the ground. They are inline and don't turn. Yes, I missed which was a drive wheel. You still got that bike around? Weld another wheel on the back.
  14. Tonik

    My kid on TV

    Mr Robot on USA Network. At 1:19 Elliot pretends to be Dave.
  15. Maybe they could put some kind of automatic hydraulic gizmo on the middle wheel to lift it at slow speeds.
  16. You wouldn't be able to turn it in a parking lot.
  17. So a quick description of what happened today, and what happens next. There were about 6 bills before the committee today, ours was second to last. The one thing that really surprised me was how engaged pretty much all of the Reps were. They paid attention to each speaker, asked good questions. Not what I expected. When ours came up I ad libbed my prepared testimony, hit all the points. I got a few questions, that was interesting. I noticed from the people before me there was a very specific way you answer a question and my boss had warned be about it, for example: Rep Smith: Mr. Kennedy, what about these loud bikes..is this about that? Me: (looking first at the Chairman) Chairman Green through Rep Smith, we hate loud bikes too. This is about wind noise that exceeds 110DB inside our helmets. You don't talk to each Rep even when they talk to you...you sorta answer/talk to the Chairman only. I can tell you that whoever started this idea and decided to not try and get ear buds allowed is a freaking genius, that was an issue. They wanted to be sure that was not included, and I feel it would have killed it in the committee. We will make it out of committee no problem at the next meeting and Josh is pretty confident it will sail through the House. Then we start the process all over in the Senate, Josh will lead that charge and keep me/us posted.
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