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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. You do realize that once I get up to speed on the FZ6 I will be ditching you and riding with Justin right?
  2. Tonik

    More road morons

    Yea, I was totally wrong.
  3. Tonik

    More road morons

    Yea, that happens to us all. Our street is two lanes, they allow parking on one side of the street. So at times it's like dodge 'em cars, but most peeps are cool about it and we work together...give and take. But what I won't tolerate is a cager that thinks he can pass the parked cars in his lane and lane share with me going the other way. Usually I stop in the middle of the street and make them back up. One guy didn't back up, I kicked his door in as he went by.
  4. Tonik

    More road morons

    Yea, it's fun to talk smack but actually doing it can get you killed. In a road rage battle between a car and bike the car is going to win.
  5. Should have thought about that before you ditched your all your slow friends!!
  6. Damn, so we are just slightly better than doing nothing?
  7. See, this is how it is done. Solve the problem and answer the question with no debate. Now if we could all just settle on a brand/make of tire we could wrap this thread up.
  8. But I have always like whitewalls, but never had any. Kinda thinking that would be cool.
  9. Tore up the Valley. I have a lot to learn.
  10. Yea, Multi really seems like the ticket here.
  11. Yea I will. Pretty sure I got a thread around here somewhere about my plans.
  12. Nivin's situation is a bit more unique. His wife is a doctor too...so they have to take some crap for awhile to be in the same area.
  13. You can ride in Justin's group.
  14. You 's better come to a consensus soon. I got a big ride Saturday. Need to get this ordered.
  15. Bitch please, we all know u will be going Mach Retard before we even get to Millersburg.
  16. Get @Casper to help you.
  17. Saturday the 22nd. Kickstands up at 10 AM at the Minut Mart in Wooster. Can't start earlier than that. Happy to pick anyone up along the way except the two 's. Pace will be Medium + to Medium Fast. I will do my usual 70ish on the straights and as the day wears on and I get settled in a bit I will slow down less for the corners. No problem if the faster peeps want to blast ahead and wait for us at the next stop or corner and I will certainly wait for anyone if you are slower than me. Ride your own ride and all that. Below is the route, it is the same route that Ricer1 and I took last Saturday. It will be a longish day, so time at stops need to be a bit of a minimum. No mad rush we got daylight till 9PM but no major dicking around. Lunch will be at this crappy little ice cream place that has hot dogs and pulled pork and stuff right after 255 on 7. https://goo.gl/maps/FEH7cUXewNH2
  18. Tonik

    FZ6 Pointers

    Until now there were not many questions. I knew it was the right bike, just had to get it home. Worry not, I will be tapping your knowledge.
  19. Tonik

    FZ6 Pointers

    Wooo, you got the extra fast blue one too. Goo Be Gone and a soft cloth will get that sticker off the tank.
  20. Tonik

    FZ6 Pointers

    And I think I need a Puig touring windshield. No buffeting but it feels like its pressing on my throat. Not liking that at all
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