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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Makes you are you are on time, and you have the gear they list. The have zero tolerance if you don't.
  2. It's Assured Clear Distance FFS. Damn internet lawyers. And it could most certainly be applied to the situation above if it could be shown the riders speed was excessive. It most certainly is not limited to following distance. We share partial liability in an accident if we do not have ACDA.
  3. Wow, at least three peeps here get it. That surprises me.
  4. Exactly. Now that it is a Harley it has plenty of back brake. Well done @Isaac's Papa You did it right because you didn't wreck. Second guessing how you should have braked differently is silly, if you are ok you did it right. I will add: ABS FTMFW.
  5. Air is an insulator. Its why you have at least double pane windows Everything is an insulator. A sheet of Renolyds aluminum foil is an insulator. A vacuum is a better insulator than air. Mobil One is an insulator too.
  6. Well done, exactly where I was going to go with this
  7. Yammie does the same thing on many of their cruisers. they do it to lower the center of gravity.
  8. Rebuilt the front forks, developed a small leak on the Dragon trip. Made my own seal driver. PVC coupler that was just big enough to go over the inner tube. Then I Dremel'd the OD down so it would fit into the outer tube. Then a section of PVC to use as a battering ram. Cost me $4.50.
  9. Spoken like someone that has first hand experience with this issue.
  10. Tonik

    4 grand

    Lol, he hired a drink truck.
  11. Tonik

    4 grand

    He is a hacker. Thread below will give you the basics. Companies throw money at him to hack them so they can fix it.
  12. Few of us took them, much appreciated. @Dizzledan needed two after his first one met with an unfortunate accident.
  13. Tonik

    4 grand

    Its at my kids house tonight. Already 100 peeps expected, sorry gang its not my party so no invites for you. Wife will video it so I will post that. Its our third year, its a good display.
  14. Tonik

    4 grand

    My kids money. He has a shitload.
  15. Tonik

    4 grand

    Of fireworks.
  16. I think this is what you are looking for, a loop out of Townsend. Take the northern side in the morning so you miss the traffic OTW to Maggie Valley. https://goo.gl/maps/HKNKH5Ng7p22
  17. ^ That was what I was going to post. Or north from there to Falling Waters a very cool Frank Llyod Wright house. Just the grounds tour is awesome. If you plan on going in get tickets in advance. Cool State prison you can visit in Moundsville as you cross the river on 250.
  18. I am, as you know, hung like a horse. But no, I dont do sex with horses.
  19. Tonik

    My kid on TV

    Not on TV. But at iCONIC. A big deal in NY put on by CNBC. Arianna Huffington, Draymond John, my kid....... Watch at least until 14:48 http://www.cnbc.com/video/2017/06/07/cybersecurity-the-survival-of-your-business-depends-on-it.html
  20. F' u all. I got a selfie with a Bud Clydesdale.
  21. So we need to take right the fuck over. Get elected to Pres and move the meetings to Starbucks. Require ATGATT on club rides. @jschaf will be our Road Captain and lead all rides. Keep up or we rip your patch and burn off your Tattoos with an acetylene torch. This will be Epic.
  22. You folks are missing the point. We need to be ATGATT in full bright Power Ranger with Starbucks in our hands. The idea here is to ruin their day, not ours.
  23. So I am thinking as soon as this HD purchase of Ducati is official we should get all the HarDucley owners over to @Isaac's Papa 's house. Then all ride to Southeast Harley on a HOG meeting night and insist they patch everyone over.
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