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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Tonik

    FZ6 Pointers

    Thats a good option, plus the ones up front look a tad out of place.
  2. Drove to title place. Didn't get title. Drove like a madman to Euclid to the original notary so he could finish filling it out. Drove like a madman to title place. Got title. Drove like a madman to get plates. Made it with 15 minutes to spare. Changed oil, flushed coolant and brake fluids. Got the damn sticker off the gas tank. Test ride.
  3. Tonik

    FZ6 Pointers

    Really appreciate all the tips. Yea, gonna do some bar work and the mirrors bug me big time. On the White Whale I can see perfectly behind me with both mirrors. All Jap speedos read 5 percent too low. Apparently the previous owner, or State 8 knew about the chain issue because it does have close to two inches of play. I was going to look at that next. So that is all set.
  4. Better day today. They are backing off the sedation in preparation for the neurologist to see him. He is responding to commands. My wife said hi John, he opened his eyes and looked at us.
  5. Then why are you giving the poor dude at Shoei such a hard time?
  6. Long time ago when I had a chain (not counting today) I bought some Bikemaster chain tools. They were total shit.
  7. All these choices and conflicting advice. Not an easy decision.
  8. Well, in his defense he had some dude on the phone that was complaining about getting wet in the rain while on a motorcycle.
  9. Both of mine have been fine, and I got my second one same time you did....from the same place. I know that info is of no help, but keep pushing them. It aint right. You can always sue them in small claims court for violating the warranty law. That is always worth a laugh.
  10. And not shifting till 45 or so is hard as hell.
  11. Yea, bout 550 now. Road it to see John, then down to babysit in granger. Yea, the bars are too narrow and the grips suck. Gonna fix that. Other than that it fits really good. Especially if I put the balls of my feet on the pegs and slide forward a bit. Cleaned the living hell out of it. Pulled the tank and some of the plastics. Pushed it down to the quarter car wash and soaked it in Purple Power and blasted it. Then buffed, polished and waxed it. Can't wait to see it in the light. I think it came out good.
  12. Had my boots ready to go with the rest of the gear. No idea how they got left behind. Pissed me off, and I felt neekid.
  13. @whaler and I just left. The MRI came back ok. No physical brain damage. But that does not indicate what brain activity there may be. Thet did so an EEG when he first got there. He is still sedated and the family expected to meet with the doctor this evening. Beyond that I dont have much to add.
  14. Yea, still got the little nubbies on them.
  15. Not gonna do it. These tires are hard as hell.
  16. No Dennis you earned your screen name, it is yours forever. I call Dibs on your Camero, but I hope you never sell it. Bike is epic. Needs a good cleaning and polish. Other than that it is perfect. Dennis actually had it cleaned and lubed... ready to go. I love this thing. It is exactly what I need for a second bike.
  17. I am totally there. And probably the one at Nelson that is a bit earlier.
  18. Anyone got a copy of @jschaf 's tire pressure spreadsheet. Gonna need that too.
  19. Depends what the current tires look like. Fluids will be changed as soon as I get it home. Got all that stuff yesterday.
  20. God damn it, now I am back to being all Hiro and shit.
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