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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. I think he should lower the back 1.5 inches and not do anything to the front.
  2. Why, is it causing you problems? Someone tying you to a chair and forcing you to watch them?
  3. Is the paving on 26 done?
  4. He is really only looking for cheap transportation for a year. Which makes this ordeal even more mind boggling.
  5. Yea, should have known he was trouble when he came in dressed like a giant white bunny.
  6. Yea, big time fear. Wife doesn't even tell me it is comming until a few days before. The Valium is to get me through the night before. Atavan the morning I go. I get there and they gas me. I wake up at home around 3pm with no idea what that sadistic bastard did to me. According to my sources I insist on a quarter pounder and a chocolate shake on the way home.
  7. Yea, we have quite a few peeps here that like it dirty. Lot of them ride their bikes off road too.
  8. You peeps are crazy. That was just for cleaning.
  9. You had me at free donuts.
  10. Holy shit. Air cooled, drum brakes and single disk is better? Nothing wrong with that bike but that is some messed up shit.
  11. That is the way I roll. Volume drops but is still good and quality is acceptable. Its not as good, but certainly not awful.
  12. I use a different version of the Howard Leight because I have narrow ear canals. https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B003628ODO/ref=pd_aw_fbt_328_img_2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=QQDT5TXG702QVB96F4EX
  13. I love you man, until all this stiff wears off.
  14. Valium for tonight and Atavan for tomorrow!
  15. That difference is easily explained by abortion
  16. Please don't take this personally, I like you. Fuck you. Forever your side of the aisle has belittled us as right winged gun nuts. That we were the problem. That if we would just let you do whatever you want everything would be ok. Turns out you folks are lunitics too. NOW all if a sudden you get it. Its not us, its the lunitics?
  17. Problem is there isn't a universal background check before you can become a Liberal. Hell, you can order your Liberal Card right off the internet and get it no problem.
  18. ...watching the Libs claim James Hodgkinson is not representative of all liberals, but he is representative of all gun owners
  19. Tonik

    My kid on TV

    Got shot in the ass with water while sitting on your toilet? It was my kid. http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000627305
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