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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. How in the hell did I get Fayetteville.
  2. Grab 16 near Parkersburg WV, take that all the way to Fayettville NC. After that dunno.
  3. This is true, when they follow me they drag...which surprises the hell out of me. Now I am grinding like a mofo of course...but them dragging too is a surprise. But they power out of the turn and blow my doors off of course.
  4. Since I am about to buy that FZ6 out from under him, yea...don't hold your breath.
  5. Seriously considering buying it for myself.
  6. Tonik


    I never delete anything. It's the internet, it lives for ever.
  7. Tonik


    Let me show you. Then let me know you figured it out and I will undo it.
  8. Tonik


    moderator, there is no s in this case.
  9. Tonik


    That's an exclamation point.
  10. Ohlin's is not on the east side of Columbus.
  11. Except for @thompsonian you peeps are not being helpful. The OP clearly said he is a dumbass and can't/won't do it himself. Yet you continue to tell him how to do it himself. I on the other hand keep pointing him to an actual solution based on the criteria he presented in the OP. When I am more helpful than everyone else...well that's pretty F'd up.
  12. You started this thread three hours ago. You would just be getting back with you dead nuts on SAG right now.
  13. In the time it takes to watch those videos you can ride to @Hoblick 's
  14. @Hoblick We know u r busy. But help this loser out before he f's up his bike.
  15. So I just left. I will be honest, I went to see him to say goodbye. But I didn't, there is hope. He most certainly responds quickly and strongly to stimulus even though he is still sedated. He moves on his own like someone tossing in their sleep. Then he let out this giant sigh. To me thats a physical response to an emotional thought. To me that is huge. He has a lung infection, so he is on antibiotics and the ventilator until they clear his lungs. And while that is going on they have to keep him sedated. They hope tomorrow that they will remove the ventilator.
  16. Good. http://thekneeslider.com/harley-davidson-v4-engine-prototype-photos/
  17. Because they are discontinuing part of their product line and being bought out?
  18. The lulz keep coming. https://www.carthrottle.com/post/ducati-is-ending-production-of-v-twin-sports-bikes/
  19. Of course man, will do.
  20. Change in plans, I am going right after work. Should be there 5ish.
  21. Listen to Phil. Changing a pin lock is a bit of a PITA. And yoy have to be real careful how you store them...they scratch like a mofo. Pin locks are great for fog. There are not for sun glare imnsho. Get a helmet with a flip down sun visor. They all have them now.
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