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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Please don't take this personally, I like you. Fuck you. Forever your side of the aisle has belittled us as right winged gun nuts. That we were the problem. That if we would just let you do whatever you want everything would be ok. Turns out you folks are lunitics too. NOW all if a sudden you get it. Its not us, its the lunitics?
  2. Problem is there isn't a universal background check before you can become a Liberal. Hell, you can order your Liberal Card right off the internet and get it no problem.
  3. ...watching the Libs claim James Hodgkinson is not representative of all liberals, but he is representative of all gun owners
  4. Tonik

    My kid on TV

    Got shot in the ass with water while sitting on your toilet? It was my kid. http://video.cnbc.com/gallery/?video=3000627305
  5. LOL, Naaman's. Wife and I ate there on our western trip this spring.
  6. Me neither. Now, some gal's husband. I would cross that line.
  7. We could make the whole parade thing from the church to the reception pretty damn epic.
  8. If she trailers that means you would probably trailer. If you do, I will personally pull your man card and burn it while we are down there.
  9. And tire warmers, and a generator. And he will need to replace the trailer he just sold. He should also buy Tims GSXR.
  10. Get the tires, it's only a few hundy. Well worth the extra margin for error. Plus the added mental comfort/confidence.
  11. So I just sent the below to my State Rep. I suggest everyone else do the same. You are welcome to leave out the snark if you wish. Hello, I am following up on an email I sent you in early March requesting assistance in making a change to Ohio motorcycle law that would allow us to protect our hearing. I was one of many motorcyclists that contacted their Reps trying to get this antiquated law fixed. Thankfully, unlike you, Representative Wesley Goodman did not ignore their constituents and has drafted a Bill to fix this situation. He needs support and co-sponsors. Please contact him and do both. Jim Kennedy.
  12. Get two of whatever brand you pick. One to ? on and the other to cover it up with.
  13. Durant is a free agent this summer.
  14. They weren't choking, they were getting their asses beat by a far superior team. Seriously, they added Kevin Durant to lasts years 73-9 team.
  15. I road it this year, and agree with the above review.
  16. Search will be broke. You will never find it.
  17. Not dry and a full real grocery store a mile down the road. And no more hauling trailers across the Dragon.
  18. In. I know this place and the area. It is where I always stay when I am not with you folks. It is perfect. I suggested it last year but it was too late to change. Casper forgot I mentioned it and refound the place on his own. So we have the positive opinion of someone that usually hates everything and a retard independently. So we are good to go. You folks will love this place. And yea, you get Foothills Pkwy and the dragon first thing with no traffic. It also makes Maggie Valley and all those amazing roads reachable.
  19. Too fast on entry with the bigger bike and f'ing up your style?
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