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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. No, but I could have had my nuts on one and my dick on the other at the same time. I may have to go back.
  2. I rubbed my nuts on both grips.
  3. Tonik


    Wooo, someone that clearly knows his stuff about this! FWIW, in my previous life I was a manf. rep for US Chemical and Plastics, Norton and SEM to name a few. 3D is what?
  4. I know what bike @Uncle Punk is about to buy.
  5. Keep it clean and lubricated. They can be finicky about ammo type, so get a few different brands the first time you shoot it and see what it likes.
  6. Tonik

    2.1 miles.

    Or they were picking off random dudes trying to set a new record.
  7. Tonik

    2.1 miles.

    Might have been the only option, a fast reaction.
  8. Tonik

    2.1 miles.

    2.1 miles. http://www.ibtimes.com/canadian-sniper-breaks-world-record-longest-shot-kills-isis-operative-iraq-2555973
  9. Wow, it has started already. Ape hangers and fringe.
  10. Gonna have to contact Mike and get a new half helmet too.
  11. The VW CEO that bought Ducati is no longer with them. Ducati was his pet project, for reasons unknown. So now that he is gone the new peeps are not interested in doing valve adjustments every weekend.
  12. You will look fine with floppy tits.
  13. Female Duc owners will need to get some breast work. Like reverse implants so their boobs are floppy and saggy.
  14. We need a new name for this company. HarDucley seems promising.
  15. No more Ducati meet ups at Starbucks. Have to be at bars now. And all the Ducati gear will say Harley.
  16. So..... @Isaac's Papa and @tall_tracy might be driving Harleys soon. http://lanesplitter.jalopnik.com/harley-davidson-might-buy-ducati-and-build-a-motorcycle-1796310363
  17. I am sure MIKE will be happy to sell you a set just like them.
  18. Tonik


    Wooo, found a place in Kansas that still has some. I bought a bunch of it.
  19. Tonik


    Need a new polish, Meguiars stopped selling the stuff I have been using. What I want is a traditional old fashioned polish, that is basically a very light rubbing compound. It is abrasive and cuts a light coat off the paint making it flat. Flat paint reflects light and that is what makes it shine. Science. What I don't want is this new fangled snake oil they sell everywhere now that is just a BS chemical treatment that doesn't flatten the paint. That kind of crap is all I can find. It's pissing me off, I have this giant collection of crap fake polish if anyone wants some.
  20. But if you still have the pic and re add it I bet it will work again.
  21. @Casper broke something in the database then. He sucks. I can't fix him, sorry. No one can.
  22. Looks like you are trying to use a pic for a sig. And if you look, it ends with ".jp" That isn't valid, it should end with .jpg if it is a jpeg. With my super powers I can see and change your sig, but without the original pic you want to use I can't fix it. Re-edit your sig and use a vaild pic.
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