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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Tonik

    Obama was right.

    Yes, you missed the hippies and the media calling Obama a racist bastard when he said that.
  2. Right snowflakes, he knows his stuff right? RIGHT? Bunch of hypocritical asshats, the lot of you. https://youtu.be/T7LGoHV3aKs
  3. See it all the time on rides, the peeps with other carriers don't have coverage. I do on Verizon. Yea, that costs more. Pick which is important to you, coverage or cost.
  4. Tonik

    Food Pr0n Thread

    Don't cook it as long. Not trying to be a smartass but what pan it is in or how you cook it...you have to not cook it so long.
  5. Let me put it this way. If you run that road we will be even from the time you saved my life. It is that good.
  6. Ok, whatever makes you feel less retarded.
  7. Only Casper would park a bike for a month with a known battery/charging issue and then push it onto a trailer and drive it 500 miles and then check to see if it would start.
  8. Tonik

    Tough 9 Days

    Awesome news my friend. Next time let us know as it is happening.. We are 's but we are very supportive 's.
  9. It's working. Click above. I added it to my gallery as a new attachment. But it is a royal PITA to get to the gallery now. YouTube is way better of course.
  10. Tonik

    Blinky Blinky

    From the album: My Stuff

  11. Tonik

    My Stuff

  12. Works fine for me. You suck, more than casper which is pretty bad. VID_20170521_104707.mp4 But uploading it here is semi retarded. Put it on YouTube.
  13. That wasn't what you were saying Saturday while you were urinating on it.
  14. And get me the name of the school.
  15. Please do, that is a big coincidence. BTW, the school does not make the call on when/how to arrest. The cops do.
  16. Was it him, or did he get framed like our student?
  17. Ok, so since the Elyria PD just released a press release saying all of this I can tell you more now. Just before noon the EMA (Elyria office of Homeland Security) got a call from someone saying they were 'John Doe' at our school. 'John Doe' being the name of a real student at our school. He said he was in a bathroom with multiple weapons and a propane bomb and intended to take out a ton of peeps. He stayed on the line with them for 20 minutes. EMA went full on. We had them, State, County and local PD here along with ambulances and fire. We had a few seconds warning from our on site police officer before pretty much all of the Elyria PD came through the front door. 'John Doe' was quickly detained, then the building was swept and then they escorted us out under guard hands up one room at a time. As you may have guessed by now it wasn't 'John Doe'. He had been targeted by some people he was having a fight with on the interwebs. Those people then SWAT'ed us and framed him. FBI has been asked by the EPD to help.
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