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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Tonik

    My kid on TV

    Today on CNN on the new ransomware. http://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2017/05/13/exp-hackers-demand-ransom-in-major-cyber-attack.cnn
  2. Personal Freedom without government regulation is the cornerstone of The Libertarian Party. And motorcycling is one of the bigger expressions of that freedom. No you don't have to agree with everything but this is a pretty big contradiction.
  3. And unfortunately they have one of these every couple of hundred miles too.
  4. Kinda interesting, we pass one of these every 25 miles or so. Thats a lot of grain. Note the skies @marlboro man
  5. Very little rain. Zero today but yea it has looked like it was going to a LOT. And we certainly got hammered last Thursday on the way down. It sucked.
  6. Tonik


    The government doesn't have any money. We are paying you to do that. We don't mind, you earned it.
  7. Nope, not liking Dodge City.
  8. We can put it on my back seat no problem. Ill be back in town Sunday.
  9. Dodge City KS. Right next to a casino for the wife. Damn the cows in Kansas smell like well..cow shit.
  10. Blasting across the Santa Fe Trail to Dodge City today.
  11. You got it. Wifes pasta was awesome too. Those little baby tacos were bbq quail. I could have eaten a hundred of them.
  12. I use Sygic. It downloads maps to your phone. I got all of North America on mine.
  13. So Santa Fe is cool as hell. Got back from dinner and out front of the hotel is a giant biker party. It is an eagle rider tour of aussies, Russians, Germans and Brazilians. Doing rt 66 from Chicago to LA. Awesome folks with free beer.
  14. If you get the offer it will be because they see something in you that they need. That is how smart small business people hire. Your question isnt 'am I qualified', your question is 'do I trust their judgement'.
  15. Yea, decent suite tonight.
  16. This post is @Casper approved. Note the flyer, toss the OP and you may win the class for free. Some of you need it, might be able to run with the white whale. Total Control is legit, I know some peeps that have taken it.
  17. At our hotel in Santa Fe. Nice Hilton downtown in the trendy district. Had to make an emergency stop at a casino for the wife.
  18. Pretty much what we said. Only about 40 miles of it as we went over the mountains. Then maybe 20 of light rain. It was never on the road. Its all good now. But it was interesting for a bit.
  19. So yea, its snowing in the mountains we need to cross. Time for a long breakfast.
  20. Thank you @NinjaDoc for all the extra hate. The Dome needed it. We were surounded for the last three hours by some serious shit. We would stop for gas or snaks and peeps would say 'did you get hit by that hail'? That happened twice. We stayed dry, drove right across the mountains (again) with massive storms on either side of us. We are at our hotel in Springerville Arizona. Our furthest western point for this trip.
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