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Everything posted by Tonik

  1. Kaw didn't even bat an eye, it is covered. Just got back twice what I paid for the extended warranty.
  2. Its a couple of scattered thunderstorms. Nothing to worry about.
  3. Tonik

    test rides

    Keep an eye on AMA's Vintage Days event at Mid-Ohio. That was the last place I saw a Kaw Demo truck. http://www.amavintagemotorcycledays.com/
  4. Tonik

    test rides

    I won't buy anything I can't ride first. Won't ever happen. They can blow me.
  5. It will be rescheduled and you still won't show up.
  6. Textile is hot. Leather is hot a hell. Welcome to motorcycling, it is an outdoor sport. Sometimes it is hot, sometimes it is cold..sometimes it rains and I'll be damned if sometimes it doesn't snow. Layers is the key, take them off and put them on.
  7. So what you did here was put a strong enough spring on it that unless the bike is leaning on the side stand it pops up? Damn clever.
  8. So, we are on page 6 of opinions on what bike you should get. That question will generate 6 more pages of opinions. All of the jackets you link to are acceptable. They are brand names and provide decent protection. Textile gear is good, and is what I wear...but it is not the 'best' protection you can get. A full leather racing suit is better...but it sucks to ride around in one of those all day long. So we make compromises. Textile will take care of you pretty well. You need pants too, don't skip the pants.
  9. Tonik

    test rides

    Yea, State 8 has a lot of them. OP mentioned he was interested in the Kaw cruisers. Those are really hard to come by, they don't run demo trucks much anymore. They have a shopping tool that says Rousch and State 8 allow demo's. But I know for a fact Rousch does not. https://www.kawasaki.com/shoppingtools/selectdealer/Motorcycle
  10. Tonik

    test rides

    What you are looking for are called 'Demo Days'. The factories bring in a trailer full of bikes to a dealer...you sign up and ride. Some dealers will allow test rides, but as you are finding they are few and far between.
  11. Well shit, one of my saddle bags cracked on the bottom. Ma Kaw better warranty it, that sucker is 1200 bucks.
  12. And we are home. 4882 miles and 12 states.
  13. Dayton tonight, too tired to hang out with @Hellmutt 's balls, assuming @snot would bring her backpack. Early departure in the morning and 3 easy hours home.
  14. "Ok Google" "Navigate nearest gas station." "Play music."
  15. Oh look, another casino.
  16. A room full of pies!!
  17. Tonik

    My kid on TV

    Today on CNN on the new ransomware. http://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2017/05/13/exp-hackers-demand-ransom-in-major-cyber-attack.cnn
  18. Personal Freedom without government regulation is the cornerstone of The Libertarian Party. And motorcycling is one of the bigger expressions of that freedom. No you don't have to agree with everything but this is a pretty big contradiction.
  19. And unfortunately they have one of these every couple of hundred miles too.
  20. Kinda interesting, we pass one of these every 25 miles or so. Thats a lot of grain. Note the skies @marlboro man
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